[im not eating that] - naegami

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story: oneshot
type: normal
request: Sukoshi_Kowaretako
warnings: none

If you can't tell, I'm changing some stuff up


Togami looked as if he would rather be anywhere else but with Naegi, simply because Naegi was at one of the most commoner places possible.

The supermarket.

Naegi grabbed a box of cerel off of the shelf and placed it into the cart, turning around to look at Togami.

Naegi smiled as he walked closer to him.

"What's wrong?"

Togami stepped closer towards the middle of the aisle and Naegi couldn't help but to laugh at him.

"Togami, nothing's going to happen to you if you touch a shelf, relax."

Togami glared at him and pushed up his glasses.

"Shut up."

Naegi sighed and continued to walk through the stores before an idea came to mind.

Looking up to one of the top shelves, he was a jar of pickles, and smriked to himself.

"Hey Togami?"

Togami was practically right up against Naegi, and he didn't even notice until Togami spoke up.

"What is it now?"

Naegi screached a bit and quickly moved away from him.

"You didn't have to scare me like that! You didn't have to come up right behind me!"

Togami crossed his arms.

"You're the cleanest thing in this store. I'd rather be near you than any of this trash."

Naegi could feel his face heat up a bit.

"Togami be nice! Someone might hear you."

"So what? The deserve to know that they're eating garbage."


Naegi was holding a finger up to his mouth, glaring at the talk blonde before remembering his plan.

"Oh that's right! Could you grab me a jar of pickles? I can't reach them?"

Togami stiffened and turned his head to look at the pickles, before immediantly snapping back to look at the small boy.

"Im not touching that."


Togami stiffened.

He demanded that Naegi would only call him Togami, nothing less.

"It's Togami, and I'm not doing it."

Naegi sighed and continued on shopping.

"Fine. I didn't really need it anyway."


"Thank you and have a nice day"

Naegi and Togami walked out of the supermarket with everything they needed.

Togami looked at the short boy who seemed a little too happy.

"Explain to me Naegi, why are you smiling so much?"

Naegi looked up at Togami and beamed.

"We finally have all the supplies for the project, and that means that we can finally be done."

Togami smiled at the boy's excitement, but hid the smile in a split second.

"You should focus more on your work Naegi, peasants like you need to do such."

Naegi laughed.

"You know, you're really going to upset someone if you keep calling them a peasant."

"I call you that, it's exactly what you are, and you're not getting upset."

Naegi smiled at the heir.

"That's because I'm used to you Togami, I don't mind because you always call me that."

Togami smirked.

"Well then Naegi, looks like I'll have to keep you by my side so you can tell them."

Naegi smiled and pulled out his phone.

Gasping Naegi starting walking faster.

"We need to hurry and get to my house now if we want to have peace a quiet to do the project, my sister's coming home soon."

With a quick nod of acknowledgement, the two starting hurrying to Naegi's house.

Well, it wasn't exactly hurrying, considering Togami refused to run.


"Naegi, this looks disgusting."

Naegi, who was usually very calm, was about to smash a pan over Togami's head.

"I know that, but the looks don't matter."

"That's wrong. Looks so matter, you'd never see anything that disgusting in my home."

Naegi turned around and glared at Togami.

"It's some really old food for the project tomorrow, we don't have to eat it, the rest of the class does."

"If our classmates have some sort of a brain, the won't eat it. But the again, I'm surrounded by commoners."

Naegi inhaled sharply and clasped his hands together.

"Naegi, I refused to-"

"I know Togami, you refuse to eat the commoner food. I know,  because you're Byakuya Togami AND YOU'RE TOO RICH TO TOUCH THIS SHIT. I KNOW."

Togami just stared at Naegi for a moment before smiling.



Someone tell me that this isn't a masterpiece.

published: august 22
words: 720

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