(Short Kisses) - Junko X Reader

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^^Naegi's "Woah friend you've got that wrong" made me snort in public I need help.

Thanks for this request boo. I totally didn't have a hard time writing this.


You were lazing around in your bedroom, just watching some videos on youtube.

You lived alone with you sister after your parents died tragically in a 'car crash'.

In reality, your parents were held as hostages, and were killed when the police tried to save them.

Other than your sister, the only other person who knew was Junko Enoshima.

Still to this day you wonder why you told her, afterall, she seemed pretty happy with the amount of despair it out you through.

Suddenly the door to your bedroom flew open, pulling you away from your videos.

"Well hello hello hello! It's time for you to praise your queen, instead of praising that horrible device."

You facepalmed.

Junko sure was one hell of a unique human being.

"Junko no, it's Saturday I'm tired, and I sure as hell don't want to deal with you right now."

Junko pouted.

"You don't want to spend time with me? Oh my (Y/N), if only you knew how much despair you put me through."

Junko grabbed the blankets on your bed, and ripped them off of you.

You could only watch as your computer fell to the ground, and shatter on the floor.


You screeched at the top of your lungs and lunged at Junko, who was currently laughing her ass off.

"(Y/N), do you have any idea how beautiful you look when your face is contorted in despair?"

She put her hands on your cheeks, and lifted your head up so that the two of you were level.

Now, you were pretty pissed at her, so you decided to be a complete asshole.


You ripped out of Junko's grasp, and ran into your closet.

Junko was horrified with the display, and was about to walk out of the room, but an idea popped into her head.

She walked to the closet and put her hands on the doorknobs.

"(Y/N). I demand that you get out of this closet right this second. If you think that you can deny me anything I want, than you are poorly mistaken."

You grabbed the handels on the inside of the closet, and pulled them twords you.

"Junko Fucking Enoshima, I refuse to get out of this closet. If you want me out, you better make me get out."

"I'll kill your sister."

You threw the door open, knocking Junko onto her ass.

"Junko I swear to god, you wouldn't dare."

She gave one of her fucking bullshit laughs, and looked you straight in the eye.

"Oh come on (Y/N), I wouldn't dare harm someone who was so close to you."

You glared at her and sneezed.

"Oh sorry Junko, it's just that I'm allergic to FUCKING BULLSHIT!"

Junko burst out laughing.

You picked up a pillow and threw it at her face.

"You need a therapist. You need Jesus. You my dearest darling Junko, need some serious fucking help."

Junko jumped up to get feet, and oh so smoothly, wrapped her arms around your neck.

"Your dearest darling? (Y/N), I'm afraid you've got it wrong."

She gave you a sadistic smile.

"How am I wrong?"

Alarms were going of in your head. Why you may ask?

Because it's Junko, and if she said you were wrong, your wrong and also very dead.

"Because (Y/N), I'm not your dearest darling, but you sure as hell are mine."

Junko pressed her lips against yours, forcibly taking control by grabbing your wrists.

Now, you normally would have beat the shit out of someone for kissing you without your concent, but it was Junko and you didn't mind.

She pulled away from you and started to giggle.

"Sooo (Y/N), am I your darling dearest yet~?"

The blood rushed straight to your face, and you couldn't look her in the eye.

"I-I mean, I guess your okay..."

Junko's face lit up.

"Awww~! (Y/N)! You have no idea how this makes me feel! I thought you were going to give me an actual answer, but the fact that I still don't know how you feel about me, makes me feel such a beautiful form of despair." (Despair auto corrected to desbear I cry)

You pushed your lips against her's and pull away really quick.

"You idiot! I said I liked you, and that I would love to have you as my beloved. God your so stupid! Idiot!"

Junko squealed and started hugging your very life essence out of you.

"You are just so cutee~! You are such a tsundere it's so despair fufilling!"


"And not only that, you give me such despairingly short kisses. I mean it's sad, you kiss so well, but I only get to kiss you for a little. It's so despairing!"


(Time skip to later that night)

You were eating dinner with your sister, as she brought up an extremely uncomfortable topic.

"So I heard you are good kisser, and not only that, apparently you also give despairingly short kisses."

Never have you ran so fast to grab a phone in your entire life.


Contrary to popular beleif, I actually really adore Junko.

Just kidding...

I worship the fuck out of her.

I need some more requests in bored.

Did you like my April Fools lemon? I thought it was beautiful.

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