on the case || kyoko x reader

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OtakuLoner homie this one is for you, I know you really love kirigiri, I saw that speech.


"How about we calm down first? We wouldn't want anyone to get hurt, right?"

A man took a step closer and pulled a knife out, pointing it straight at your neck.

"Is that a threat missy?"

You narrowed your eyes as you put your hand on your gun holster.

"Am I going to have to make it a threat?"

A rustling noise came from behind you as someone came up to your side, pointing a finger at the armed man.

"You murdered this woman and you tried to get away with it by saying you found it, and reporting it to the police. Admit to your crimes."

The man scoffed and started laughing.

"You've got no proof little miss. Now if I were you, I'd shut your mouth and go back home to play with your dolls."

You immediately pulled your gun put of its holster and pointed it straight at the man.

"Drop all weapons and put your hands up, or so help me I will shoot."

"[Y/N]! Don't be stupid."

You took a quick glance to the lavender haired female to your left and flashed a quick smile.

"This is my ability. I should be able to do this better than anyone else."

You looked back at the man, narrowing your eyes and smirking.

"Oi, love. You want to do me a favour and drop those weapons or would you like be to help you?"

The man glared at you as sirens could be heard approaching in the background.

He dropped the knife and raised his hands in the air.

Police officers ran into the alleyway, pulling out there guns and pointing it at the man.

"We'll take it from here. Have a nice day ladies."


"See Kyoko? Wasn't that great? You're super awesome, it's seriously unbelievable!"

Kyoko gave you a sort of half smile.

"Thank you."

You smiled and engaged her arm in a death hug/grip.

"Thank you for always staying by my side and helping me."

"Of course Kyoko. Of course."

You jumped up and sloppily kissed her on the lips, rushing so that she wouldn't be able to push you away.

You let her go, picked up your bag and ran to the door.

"Goodbye Kyoko my love! Have a splendid night!"


•My sassy comments at the very end get more attention than my actual one shots oops.


Apology if this was somewhat bad, I have idea after idea when it comes to angst, but not fso much for some fluffy goodness.

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