[well shit] - kazuichi x reader

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type: oneshot/fluff
request: MamaMia1820
warnings: none
side requests: takes place in the second episode of the despair arc


You let out a sigh as you watched Akane and Nekomaru go at it again.

Not only have the destroyed the entire classroom, they scared the poor substitute teacher so much that she fainted.

You felt bad for her, but you were much more worried for those two.

Wouldn't they get in trouble for practically destroying the whole classroom?

At one point, Chiaki got up from her seat, and somehow managed to avoid getting hit with anything.

Komaeda on the other hand...

Komaeda just sat there, he didn't move an inch, and things seemed to move out of his way.

It was funny actually.

Chisa was now currently in the room, so you thought that the whole situation would be under control.

"Here Akane! Have some of the special soup that I worked with the Ultimate Pharamacist to create!"

You let out a sigh, "well shit."

Akane swallowed it all it one gulp, and I'm a second she seemed to have turned into one of those over powered super heros.

What were they called now? Super-

[This section has been removed to comply with copyright laws, I don't want another copyright strike]

"Hey Y/N! Look out!"

The screaming didn't help as you turned to look in the direction the screaming was coming from.


You glared at him as you turned arond just in time to get hit in the face with a piece of rock that got loose from the hellstorm in front of you.

Immediately you blacked out.


"A-ah! T-thank goodness you're alright!"

You woke up to Mikan smiling directly over you.

Currently, you had your head resting in her lap, you could only assume she put it there.

"Mikan? What's up?"

"Right. You got hit in the face. I-It didn't do any real damage so you should be able to move perfectly fine."

You gave her a giant smile.

"Thank you Mikan!"

Mikan looked like she was going to cry from happiness, but then smiled.

"Uhm, Kazuichi had wanted me to let you know, that he wanted to talk to you."

You raised an eyebrow as you lifted your head off of her lap.

"Oh? Did he say what he wanted?"

Mikan shook her head.

"N-No, but I bet it's nothing bad!"

You really didn't want to go, but then again, it's not like you were going to see Teruteru.

"Alright, I'll be off. Thanks again Mikan."


"What do you want?"

Kazuichi turned around and looked at the ground when he heard you.

"Oh... Hey (Y/N)."

You tilted your head.

"You needed me?" 

He gave you a stressed smile.

"Sorry about what happened, you got hurt because of me and I got really worried."

You couldn't help but sigh as you walked close to him.

"Yeah, I'll forgive you for it."

You leaned up and gave him a short kiss on the cheek.

"We should get back to class."


I ruin dreams

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