(*Insert Title Here*) - Monokuma x Reader

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I'm going to be perfectly honest about this.

I don't have any idea of what I should do.


I made it Human Monokuma because wtf would I be able to do?

Have you fantasize over a stuffed bear?

Yeah. That's what happens. I'm a great writer.


You were walking down the hallway with Junko Enoshima, the Ultimate Despair.

You hated her, but you both wanted to see despair be brought upon the world, so you sucked it up and delt with her.

"Well then (Y/N), I have to go off and attend to some buisness. Work hard okay?"

You nodded, and watched the blonde psychopath take off.

Your phone buzzed in your pocket, and an unknown number popped up on screen.

You never bothered to answer any unknown numbers.

You did this time though, and you new that you were immediately going to regret it.


You could hear a mechanical whir, and Junko's voice echoing through the phone.

"Oh woah shit. You never answer my calls. Bummer, I thought I would have been out through despair being sent to-"

"What do you want?"

Junko squeeled.

"Ahha! (Y/N) your such a cold hearter person. You might be worse than Kirigiri!"

You were officially 200% done with her shit. 

"I asked you, what the fuck do you want?"

Junko gasped and whispered into the phone.

"Sorry. I kept getting sidetracked. I want you to come meet up with Monica and I at the factory."

You nodded your head as if she could see it, cutting her off mid sentence. 

(Time skip)

You stepped off the elevator, and was greated by the whiring of machines.

You could hear children's voices in the distance and let out a sigh.

You hated The Warriors of Hope more than anything.

Well, you liked Nagisa.

You pittied him and you felt remorse in your despair filled heart for the poor boy.

You walked towards the voices, keeping an eye out for them.

You knew they loved Junko, but Monica hated you, and wanted nothing more than to see your dead body in a trash compactor.

You swung open a door to a employee break room, and was greated by the Warriors, Junko, and Izuru.

You gave the kids a quick glance before turning to Junko.

"What did you need?"

Junko gave you a giant smile a skipped towards you, grabbing your hands she looked you right in the eyes.

"I decided I want you to be in charge of things when I take care of the broadcasting."

Your eyes widened, and so did Monica's.

You wondered why you, you didn't know a thing about making people fall to despair.

You heard Monica screach.

"Why her?! SHE'S USELESS!"

Junko turned around and smiled.

"Well, it's putting you in despair, so therefore she can't be all that useless."

Junko flipped off Monica, turning around and giving you a kiss on the cheek.

"Have fun okay~!"

She ran off, most likely to get murdered.

But hey.

She wasn't your problem anymore.

(No more time skip guys. Were going to do a time WARP. Ho shiiti)

You got bored of the kids and their nonstop blather, so you decided to go check out the rest of the factory.

Everything was going fine until you heard several loud bangs from behind you.

You turned around a little too late, a monokuma robot charging straight at you.

Your face was bright red.

You adored the monokuma robots.

Their design just made you so sexualy frustrated that you didn't know what to do with your life. (ITS 3AM WHY AM I STILL WRITHING)

(Prepare yourself for some sexual inuendos)

You saw the massive claws come out of nowhere, and to be honest, you were taking back by how big they were.

You saw the claws lung at you, being thrust into your lower abdomen, the pain was so great that you screamed.

It took you a second to wrap your mind around it, but you were being impaled by the one that you loved, and even on your deathbed you were happy.

You fell down panting and studdering, still recovering from the immediate insertion of Monokuma's claws.

Your eyes closed and you fell into a black abyss, hoping that you would forever hold the feeling of being impaled inside you, for as long as you were in the abyss.




**Anyone who plays Yandere Simulator, You can now turn Senpai into Komaeda. Happy Bday Fangirls. Plus you can be Ebola-Chan. That's pretty litt if i do say soo myself.

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