(SHSL Lucky?) - Naegi x Reader (Lemon)

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I just want you to be aware that I cried while I wrote this. I've never wrote a lemon before so, Deathbybunny101 you better enjoy this.


You let out a sigh. It was early Saturday morning and you had nothing to do.

Your parents were out for the weekend and wouldn't be returning until Monday night. Any friends that you called had some reason they couldn't do anything, and to be honest, you were getting tired of it.

"Dear god! Why have you forsaken me?!" You screamed at the top of your lungs before slamming your face into a pillow.

You were sitting on the couch, watching stupid old 60's romance movie re-runs, and we're trying not to bore yourself to death.

Suddenly and idea popped into your head. All of your friends were busy because they were off doing something related to their Ultimate talent, right? Well, Makoto NaegI is as normal as they get, so he should be free.

You reached for your phone that was resting on the coffee table and picked it up. You were about to dial Naegi's number, but you hesitated. You had a major crush on him, like major to the capital M in Makoto. But, after drinking a cup of manthefuckup you decided to call.

You didn't have to wait long, because as soon as you called, he immediately picked up.

"Hey (Y/n)! What's up?"

"Nothing really, I was just wondering if you wanted to come hang out. My parents aren't home and everyone I've called is busy." You could hear Naegi hesitating.

"Uhm, I guess I could. You want me to come right away?"

"Please do."

"Alright then, see you soon." You could almost see Naegi's smile through the phone.

Naegi was coming over and you finally had found your cure to boredom. Now all that was left to do was play the waiting game and maybe actually brush your hair.

(Time skip brought to you by Jesus, because your going to need him after reading this sin.)

You were starting to get immersed in one of the movies when you heard your doorbell ring. Immediately you jumped up to go get it.

"Hello!" You through the door open and gave Naegi a giant smile, which he returned with a smaller one.

"Oh hey (Y/n)." I started to pout. He was never really good at hiding his discomfort.

"What's wrong? Something is clearly up, and I would like to know but I really want to sit down so get in here." I yanked his arm and pushed him onto the couch. Once I had sat down I started to stare contently at him, waiting for an answer."

"It's nothing really, I'm guess I'm just caught up in thought." I let out a short sigh.

"Alright, if you say so," a smile spread across my face, "do you want to make fun of some old cheesy romance movies with me?"

A giant smile appeared on Naegi's face.

(Oh boy you lucky lucky sinners, you get two time skips from Jesus)

The movie you were watching had finally ended. You didn't hate it, you and Naegi did get some good laughs out of it, but it was just so cheesy.

You heard some awkward fumbling and rustling coming from Naegi's direction. You turned your head to see him staring down at his lap. A smirk appeared on your face, and you slipped your legs over the side of the couch so that your head was resting in your crush's lap.

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