(Internet Relationships) - Izuru x Reader (Modern AU)

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Woo. Here you go LuviniaBrooks. Enjoy.

This is based off of one of the cutest modern day Au's that I found online.


You threw open your laptop and logged into Tumblr, starting your everyday after class ritual, of stalking every blog possible.

You didn't have a very exciting life, so to make up for it, you spent it on tumblr being a weirdo, because at least you weren't a weeb. Please don't sue me

After a couple minutes of scrolling, you found a blog that was created by someone with the username 'Holy Shit I Love Boats'.

The thing that stood out about this blog post the most, was the fact that it had everything you liked in it, you two had the exact same interests.

You were going to follow them, when you noticed that you were already following them, and that they were following you.

Weird, you don't remember following them.

You smiled and started scrolling threw their blog, wondering if this person was exactly like you.

Now, it had been two weeks since you had found that blessed account, and you decided that you had wanted to try to become closer with them.

Preparing for the worst, you sent them a message, saying hello and that you were interested in them, because they had the same interests as you of course.

It wasn't even a minute later before you got a response, saying that they were interested in you as well.

You two talked, and you learned that he was Izuru Kamakura and that he was the same age that you were.

You of course told him your name, and he started calling you Captain, which you thought was the cutest thing ever.

The two of you became closer and closer each passing day, you learned all about how skilled Izuru was, and he learned how unique and weird you were.

You two became close, and you started to Skype with one another, and once you did you wanted to meet him.

His long black hair covering most of his face, his bright red eyes.

Everything about him, his looks, his personality, and his intrests, had totally captivated you.

You thought he was the best thing ever.

You were a little anxious about skyping with him, mostly because of how no part of your face matched the other.

Your (h/l) didn't go with your face shape, and your (h/c) didn't complement your (e/c). Me everyday tbh

He never said it to your face, but he thought you were beautiful.

You would talk about your life, and how your grades were in school.

Compared to you, Izuru was rich.

He had enough money to go to Hope's Peak as a reserve student, and you couldn't even manage to buy anything other than raman.

You were skyping with him one day, when the two of you started talking about ways you could meet up.

You found it difficult to meet up, because Izuru lived in Japan and you lived in America.

"Well then (Y/N), how about I pay for a ticket, so you can come and visit? You said you've always wanted to go to Japan."

After agreeing, and offering to pay, you burst out into a smiling mess.

(Time skip woo)

You sat in your plane, waiting to be dismissed after you landed.

As soon as you were, you ran out into the airport, looking for Izuru.

It wasn't hard to find him, he stuck out like a sore thumb, but the second you saw him you had to cover your face.

You started crying like a baby, and ran straight into Izuru, practically knocking him over. You know those Koala hugs, yep that

He wrapped his arms around you and smiled, resing his chin on your forehead.

"Welcome to Japan, (Y/N)."


I know this doesn't really fit his personality, but I HAD to do this.

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