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☆ 4. Chapter 4 Soy Sauce

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Chapter 4 Soy Sauce

Xiao · Niu Colu · Lin · Pregnant Spirit Wood Fenmu · Qi

Xiao Linqi interrupted the pregnant spirit wood's nagging and asked it how to control its own power.

Pregnant Lingmu Versailles exclaimed: "Isn't this what you are born to do?" What

Xiao Linqi wants to learn most now is how to block the sound of Pregnant Lingmu.

Perhaps it was because of the lack of positive attitude and unmotivated thinking of its branching brother that it dug out some bits and pieces from its own knowledge reserves. This is what it sees in those who are parents and teach cubs.

The more Xiao Linqi listened, the weirder she got: "Can they talk?"

This time, the pregnant spirit wood also said very matter-of-factly: "All the pregnant spirit trees understand that as long as they have spiritual cores, they can also listen. It's from the spirit tree."

It paused, and suddenly its tone was very depressed and annoyed: "But they snatched the fruit and were disobedient. So far, no spirit tree has been produced, and the mature fruit has not been successfully fed to the cubs. Obviously, , the cub's evolutionary potential is the highest..." it muttered.


So the giant python and the fox are actually intelligent. I feel that the IQ of the adult monster is the same as that of a non-stupid person.

So wasn't it equivalent to beating someone at the beginning? Xiao Linqi took a breath of air and looked at the slimes nearby. These were kindergarten children!

The giant python and the five-tailed fox hid in the distance and watched Xiao Linqi's strange behavior, and were very puzzled.



Xiao Linqi held her head and struggled for a while, then suddenly looked confident and happy.

No one but himself knew that just now, his thoughts had undergone a dramatic change.

He goes from being entangled with people he beats, to having a forest labor force to work with.

He announced that he was Xiao Niugulu Lin Zheng Lingmu Fenmu Qi.

The giant python and five-tailed fox under discussion suddenly felt chilly. Autumn is coming?

Xiao Linqi actively learned new knowledge and understood this strange power system a little bit.

It is easy to understand if you understand it as cultivating immortality or magic.

After struggling for a while, Xiao Linqi successfully hovered a ball of wind in his hand. There was another kind of energy with different fluctuations in his body, which was the wood element. The pregnant spirit wood said that this thing is very useful.

He tried to inject some wood spiritual power into an unknown shrub next to him, and the shrub began to grow and change at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing Xiao Linqi turning around and walking away very fast, Zheng Lingmu asked doubtfully: "No, you won't feed the cubs anymore?"

"Wait while I make fruit smoothies for them to eat." Xiao Linqi's last voice had a rising tone. tone.

Only two years later, the seeds in the nearby farmer's market could still be planted. He used wood-type spiritual power to ripen them, and then found an ice-type monster to get some ice. He used wind to chop it into pieces. Its just a bowl of virgin forest version of fruit smoothie.

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