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☆ 44. Chapter 44 Going Home

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Chapter 44 Its not allowed to go home

and suppress & identity card & carriage & sell house

, at least not without Minister Qian being exposed, and not in full view of the public.

Xiao Linqi forcibly suppressed the raging murderous intention in his heart, left Minister Qian and walked to Liu Cunliang. Seeing Liu Cunliang's majestic and upright appearance, the nausea and murderous intention in his heart were suppressed.

Xiao Linqi spoke with an imperceptible hoarse voice: "Liu Captain, what kind of blood do I have?"

Liu Cunliang's voice was sonorous and powerful, and the rich voice covered the tinnitus in Xiao Linqi's mind: "Your race is not currently in the database. Information, based on your appearance, I think it can be defined as elf blood for the time being."

"No information about my race?" A look of surprise appeared on Xiao Linqi's face, "Is there anyone else with my bloodline?"

Minister Qian Limping over with the help of others, the middle-aged man looked kind and said with a smile: "No, you are the first one. There are currently no Elf blood holders in the country, and there are no elves in foreign countries. , We dont know privately.

I didnt expect that the elves recorded in ancient books really exist. Are there really dragons and phoenixes? There was uncontrollable joy and excitement in the voice of the person next to him.

Dragons and phoenixes have always been creatures that Chinese people yearn for. They are not only a belief, but also a kind of inheritance.

I was careless, I didnt realize that race was an issue.

Xiao Linqi let the vines turn into spiritual energy and dissipate, and the black ball plunged into his arms, hitting him with all her strength, burying her face and rubbing against him coquettishly.

Xiao Linqi touched the black mass nonchalantly, turned her head and asked, "Team Liu, this test should be considered completed, right?"

Liu Cunliang nodded and took a long step to walk outside. Xiao Linqi also raised his feet to follow. The minister stopped in front of him and said with a smile: "Your blood is rare, can you give us some blood memory research? It's not dangerous, it's very humane, it's just a little blood, there will be no problem."

His current expression Naturally, the attitude was cordial. If Xiao Linqi hadn't felt that creepy perversion just now, he might have been deceived by the superficial illusion.

As soon as Qian Youzhi approached, Heituan began to cry. Xiao Linqi passed him and walked to Liu Cunliang. She turned around and said, "I'm sorry, the strange beast I raised doesn't seem to like this place. It's not convenient for me to cooperate with you."

" It's okay, just put that strange beast somewhere or let our girls take care of it." Qian Youzhi said as he approached.

Xiao Linqi really used all his strength to endure without using a whip to whip away the guy who kept approaching. He moved his fingers slightly, spasmed, bit his lip involuntarily, and his facial expression was close to rigid.

Liu Cunliang took a step to the side and stood in front of Xiao Linqi. He was tall and looked at Qian Youzhi condescendingly. He felt oppressed and said nothing, just looking at him quietly.

Liu Cuuliang didn't talk much originally, but when he put that intimidating face, Qian Youzhi's words suddenly stuck in his mouth, and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes.

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