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☆ 88. Chapter 88 Hero

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Chapter 88 Heroic

Eastern Base & Dragon Bloodline Evolvers & Captivity

However, no one answered the phone for a long time. Liu Qianzhi called again in confusion. This time the call was connected, but the current was so loud that he could hardly hear the person. The sound can only be heard in a very noisy background, like a battlefield.

Liu Qianzhi's face suddenly darkened, and he said in an urgent tone, "What's going on over there? Hello? Hello! Can you hear me?"

Xiao Linqi and Lu Baiqing looked at each other.

Liu Qianzhi grabbed the phone and hurried to the window to try to get a better signal.

There was a vague human voice coming from the cell phone with loud electric current.

"Zizi... Dongfang base... Zizi... was attacked by crack Zerg Zizhi... and ocean beasts... Three parties Zizi... Zizi during the battle..."

Liu Qianzhi's expression suddenly changed: "Dongfang Are there swarms of insects at the base too?!"

"Don't worry... No need to support for the time being... Zizi..."

Xiao Linqi tilted her head: "How is the situation at the Eastern Base?"

Liu Qian Listening to the sound of the cell phone full of electricity, Zhi could only hang up the phone, turned around, and walked slowly from the window. For a moment, he seemed much older. He sighed: "The same thing happened to us some time ago. Among the Zerg that came out of the crack, I am afraid that the king insect has also entered the high level. Otherwise, the ocean beasts would not have participated in this battle, and Long Qianlin would have dealt with it as soon as possible."

"Long Qianlin?" Xiao Linqi thought about this name. He seemed to know it before. He had seen it somewhere.

Liu Qian knew: "He is the only announced divine evolver in the country. His bloodline is Canglong. He has reached the seventh level for a long time, and now he may have touched the threshold of the eighth level."

Xiao Linqi lowered his eyes: "King Insect Has the invasion made the ocean beasts nervous? They will probably attack humans when fighting against the Zerg. The three parties regard the other two as enemies. The battle situation is bigger than what we had here some time ago..."

He thought, feeling A dark shadow stood up beside him. He turned around and saw Lu Baiqing standing up, with a slightly condensed expression and something on her mind. Xiao Linqi suddenly remembered that Lu Baiqing's parents lived in the Eastern Base.

It was natural for Lu Baiqing to be nervous. He patted Lu Baiqing's hand and said, "Do you want to go there?"

Liu Qianzhi was stunned for a moment and looked hesitant: "I'm sorry to tell you that in this situation, I'm afraid no one in the base will be willing to go there. Traveling across such a large area in Yongye, trekking long distances to the Eastern Base to rescue them, there are many dangers on the road. Going there is not in full swing. No one wants to face the insect tide while being injured. There are many uncertainties..."

"It's okay. ," Lu Baiqing didn't take what Liu Qianzhi said to heart at all, and his voice was cold and calm, "I can just go there by myself."

Liu Qianzhi looked at Lu Baiqing's indifferent expression and smiled, wondering in his heart whether he felt that someone was following him here. Going together would be a drag, and indeed...the gap in strength is too big.

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