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☆ 79. Chapter 79 Research

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Chapter 79 Research on

Self-Healing Factors & Qinglong Societys Contract

Youre the one with the brain problem! Xu Xiaoyu pushed Liu Cunliang away and continued to cast a shining gaze at Xiao Linqi, Lets go in and talk.

Xiao Linqi felt He might not be able to get out after he went in. When he wanted to refuse, Xu Xiaoyu pushed him in: "It's okay, come on, come in and visit. I supervised the decoration here."

Xiao Linqi could only go in with her bag. , the location here is smaller than the White Tower, and things are piled up, but it looks more humane than the White Tower, and the staff passing by are in a hurry.

Xu Xiaoyu pulled Xiao Linqi to a place. Liu Cunliang sighed and said to Xiao Linqi, "This guy doesn't mean any harm."

Xiao Linqi nodded.

Xu Xiaoyu muttered: "I am a very moral person."

"Here we are! This is where I am currently conducting experiments." Xu Xiaoyu pulled Xiao Linqi in, like a child showing off his collection of toys. Explaining to the things on the side, "Look, this is the topic I'm researching now, artificially synthesizing the self-healing factor of alien beasts, but I haven't succeeded yet..." "I'm

so angry, if Xu Dekun didn't kill me at that time. The research project has been successful long ago! It's useless to say that the speed is too slow, hum."

"The self-healing factor of alien beasts?" Xiao Linqi was confused.

Xu Xiaoyu, who was cursing, came back to his senses and showed a big smile: "Isn't the recovery ability of alien beasts very fast? I curiously researched it and found that there is something in their bodies that I named a self-healing factor. It does not exist in the human body. I I took a peek at Lu Baiqing's data and found that he had this self-healing factor in his body. Then I thought, if this factor could be used on the human body, wouldn't the human casualty rate be reduced?" "

Then!" Xu Xiaoyu pulled Liu Cunliang next to her, her face filled with happiness, "I have studied the wounds of some superpowers and evolved people. They don't have this factor, but they have adaptability. Don't you know they all regard me as a pervert?" , I just rushed over to them as soon as they were injured, and I didnt just chop them with a knife."

Liu Cunliangs eyelids jumped, Xu Xiaoyu looked at their wounds with a crazy look, everyone Creepy.

"This project has made great progress now. The synthesis of the self-healing factor is promising. In terms of adaptability, I am also reducing the rejection. Evolvers' rejection of this self-healing factor is almost zero, probably because they have the blood of alien beasts. Let's do it."

Xu Xiaoyu babbled, her eyes were wild, and she was as happy as a 300-pound child.

Liu Cunliang put his hand on his face and sighed helplessly: "Do you have any clues about what I asked you to study last time?"

Xiao Linqi was curious and subconsciously asked: "What is it?"

Xu Xiaoyu opened a transparent cabinet and He took out a petri dish from it and said, "This is it."

When Xiao Linqi saw the thing, a disgusting emotion flashed across his face.

Inside the petri dish was a weird, sticky mass of flesh, mixed with irregular hard thin shells, and an eye of a Zerg.

"The military is thinking of ways to deal with the Zerg," Liu Cunliang said. "Satellite observations have shown that new Zerg gathering circles have appeared in many places. They all come from the cracks in space. The number is terrifying. There are already at least three in various places in the south. The small base was successfully invaded by them."

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