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☆ 109. Chapter 109 Fall

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Chapter 109: The Fall

of the Innocent Fallen Angel & Deal & Bad News of the Western Base

Xiao Linqi narrowed her eyes, pulled Lu Baiqing's arm down a little, got closer and looked at his expression, and said meaningfully: "I think you should I remembered a lot of things."

"How is that possible?"

Lu Baiqing raised his voice a little higher. Realizing that he was overreacting, his voice returned to normal and he said with a sigh: "Don't be suspicious every day. The demon fox told me that the Mohai beef is almost finished. Should we go and trade with the ocean beasts?"

The Dongfang base was almost emptied by them. At least two-thirds of the Mohai milk powder was taken away by them. If they went there shamelessly to get it, Qiu Daoshi would probably jump in anger. Long Qianlin Will fight with them again.

So let's go find the ocean beasts. They have larger and wider resources, which is an entire ocean.

"Change the subject," Xiao Linqi chuckled, spreading her hands, "Okay, okay."

This face-saving look was quite cute in his opinion.

Although they brought back a lot of things from the Eastern Base, they couldn't resist the fact that all the forest beasts liked to eat them, and they were quickly consumed. After discussing with Lu Baiqing, Xiao Linqi and Lu Baiqing decided to trade with the ocean beasts this time and bring Yang Lie with them. Finches and mermaids.

The reason why I brought the mermaid with me is because the mermaid can create a huge suspended water ball and trap the live ink manatee inside. In this way, the ink manatee brought back will be very fresh and can be kept for a while.

As an advanced race, mermaids can maintain such a water polo for a long time.

High in the sky, the mermaid was lying in a bathtub. The bathtub was tied with vines to the Sun Sparrow. Xiao Linqi used the vines to weave a net around it, and asked from time to time: "Is it cold?" Lu

Baiqing couldn't stand it anymore and complained: "Is there a situation where you are just cold?" Xiao Linqi was almost annoyed to death by the merman.

"No!" Xiao Linqi said unhappily, pulling on her cloak. "But the weather is getting colder. It wasn't this cold last time. It's obviously the end of the Evernight Season, so the weather should be It's time to get warmer."

Lu Baiqing opened his wings a little more, pulled the person over, and put his arms around him: "I still don't admit it."

After flying in the sky for a few days and arriving at the seaside, they bypassed the Eastern Base and gathered from a gathering place. Entering the circle, when they entered, the superior beasts in the gathering circle were waiting for them below.

After discovering that they did not leave, but landed at the beach, I became even more nervous, calmed down and went to check.

The seaside was calm and calm. Xiao Linqi and Lu Baiqing got off the Yang Lie Sparrow and looked at the sea for a while. Lu Baiqing pointed at the mermaid on it: "How about you let it go to the sea to find strange marine animals?"

With a "plop", the mermaid jumped directly from the sea. The Yang Lie Sparrow jumped into the sea, stuck its head out and said, "I'll go take a look." After saying that, it plunged into the sea.

Alien beasts with hidden auras approached one after another from behind. They stopped in the abandoned seaside resort hotel and did not continue to approach. The aura of the Sunsparrow made them very uneasy.

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