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☆ 36. Chapter 36 Strange Fruit

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Chapter 36 Yiguos

quality of life & favorite people

Whats wrong with it? Su Kai poked Heituans butt in confusion, It didnt bite me.

Maybe its because I heard people say its fat, Xiao Lin Qi rubbed the black dumpling calmly and said, "It will be ready by dinner. Where are we going now?"

After eating the buns, they left.

"Back to the hotel, let's go see how Hao Xuexue, my teammate, is doing." Su Kai said.

Xiao Linqi: "With this name...does he have good academic performance?"

Shi Hong said: "According to his own words, he always ranks second from the bottom in the class, never first from the bottom."

Xiao Linqi: "... ..."

Chen Lili muttered: "We thought he was dead, but Captain Liu told us that he was still alive. It's true that stupid people have stupid blessings." It's

not that stupid people have stupid blessings, but that without his orders, the beasts would not Kill someone, Xiao Linqi thought.

When we arrived at the hotel, there were more armed people visible to the naked eye, their smells were mixed, and there was an uneasy atmosphere in the air.

Those people should all be on this mission. They had never seen Xiao Linqi before. They watched him and Su Kai move together, and their eyes wandered over him, wanting to see if there was anything special about him.

After entering the elevator, those lines of sight disappeared. Xiao Linqi relaxed a little. The line of sight of a human being was different from the line of sight of a strange beast. The line of sight of a human being made his body a little nervous.

"Some time ago, Su Kai went on a mission and got the spiritual core of a powerful medium-race alien beast, and also got the spiritual fruit it was guarding. This news was because he had a physical problem at the time and we were buying nutrition blocks and medicine everywhere, which made everything worse. Everyone knows that many people are still staring at us." Shi Hong looked bad.

"I can understand the spiritual cores of medium-race alien beasts, but spiritual fruits?" Xiao Linqi looked down at the mutated fruits in her shopping bag, a question mark appeared on her face, "The mutated fruits are not very expensive. They are staring at them. Well?"

"It's a real spiritual fruit, not a mutated fruit. In fact, it should be said to be a strange fruit." Su Kai bent down and put his hand into the shopping bag, "Why do you think Du Lidong and the others are eyeing your bag? It's just some ordinary fruit. Mutated fruits, even if there are breadfruit, it won't make them show their greed."

Su Kai took out a small tomato from the bag: "This is what they want."

Xiao Linqi looked at the thing and said: "Little Tomatoes."

"Yes, it's a third-level heterofruit tomato ball." Su Kai turned the fruit in his hand to Xiao Linqi. "The small tomato looks like an oval, but it is almost a perfect sphere. You can feel it. This tomato ball contains much more spiritual energy than those mutated tomatoes..."

As Su Kai was talking, Heituan pounced at him with lightning speed, bit off the fruit held by his fingertips, and then slapped it. The wings flew back to Xiao Linqi's shoulders, and she burped with satisfaction.

Su Kai: "..."

"Calm down!" Chen Mo and Shi Hong each pulled Su Kai, who looked a little ferocious.

"Su Kai, calm down!" Chen Lili put her hands in front of her to comfort Su Kai.

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