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☆ 50. Chapter 50 Disgusting

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Chapter 50: Hating

No Memory & Bullying the Weak and Afraid

of the Strong Wei Yunxiao frowned, and his voice was rich and firm, "You lied. The situation you mentioned has never happened. The military will not give up on anyone!" "

Then in my situation! How do you explain it?" Cai Yekun yelled, "You guys are going too far! If you hadn't been going too far, I wouldn't have said this at your wedding. It was just to show everyone what kind of character today's groom is! "

He said, looking at the Cai family and his wife: "You should be careful in the future, your son-in-law has a bad character, be careful that he joins the military to swallow up your family property!"

Tiny discussions sounded in every corner of the banquet hall.

Xiao Linqi's temples were twitching, and he heard some vague things. He frowned and pressed his temples. At this time, the screen of his mobile phone had been on for a long time, and it showed that the call was in progress.

Heituan raised one of his wings and put it on Xiao Linqi's shoulder with worried eyes.

"It's okay." Xiao Linqi shook his head. Now everyone's attention was on the stage, and no one noticed anything unusual about him.

It's so annoying, that jabbering Cai Yekun, Xiao Linqi lowered his head, dark green filled with hostility surging deep in his eyes.

Cai Yekun was still accusing Wei Yunxiao endlessly. Others in the club echoed a few words, and people from the Zhuque Club also joined in, pretending to bring Cai Yekun to justice.

Xiao Linqi listened to those words more and more as if they were in her ears. The ringing in her ears made the world spin, her body seemed to have lost contact with the outside world, and she had a splitting headache followed by a feeling of drowsiness.

After regaining consciousness, Xiao Linqi found that she had stood up. Next to her were the sounds of people gasping for air. Xiao Linqi looked blankly at her stretched out left hand. A crystal clear line rushed out of the magic circle in the palm of her left hand. The vines, under his feet, also sprouted dozens of green vines, twisting in the hall, with great momentum.

Their direction was clear. The crystal clear vine had even rolled Cai Yekun into the air, and the force caused many fractures all over his body. Cai Yekun screamed.

He held the mobile phone in his right hand, and Xiao Linqi clenched it subconsciously. Now only this mobile phone could give him, a non-social cow, a sense of security.

"Xiao, Xiao Linqi?" A classmate next to him looked at all this in shock.

Qian Boyou was almost scared to death. He was a member of a high-level club. How could Xiao Linqi dare to take action? Although he was a classmate with Cai Pengfei, he didn't dare to show his face.

Xiao Linqi was silent as everyone looked at him. He had no memory of how he stood up or how he attacked Cai Yekun.

"Xiao Linqi!" Du Lidong was the first to lose his composure. He shouted his name and gritted his teeth, "I didn't ask you to settle the score before, but today I jumped out again? Who do you think you are?"

The vice president of Qinglong Club heard this. At this name, his expression darkened, and he looked at Xiao Linqi with a terrifying look in his eyes: "So you are Xiao Linqi. It's better to see him than to hear him for a long time." His low voice made people feel uncomfortable, and it sounded like he was seeking revenge.

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