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☆ 40. Chapter 40 Overnight

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Chapter 40: Overnight

Table Etiquette & Hunting Zerg & Abnormalities

It turns out that after Black Tuan ate delicacies, he could also eat ordinary snacks. Maybe it was because he had multigrain cakes in front of him, and he felt that this butterfly ration had some aura. Not bad either.

"It's very expensive to raise exotic beasts," Chen Lili sighed and looked at the butterfly beast she was quietly carrying. "I invested most of the money I earned on it. I don't know when the strength level will be improved by one level."

Xiao Lin Qi looked at the butterfly. It was not as powerful as the butterfly with wings and eyes in the forest. It was probably just a lower race, but Chen Lili raised it very well.

He didn't answer. He didn't know the situation of raising exotic animals in the southern base, so he might have said what Versailles said.

"That's right."

Xiao Linqi came back to Su Kai and asked curiously: "Why didn't anyone dig up the soul core of the evil moa? I don't think anyone dug it in the afternoon." "

Because of the evil moa group The special nature of the beast is that as long as the leader dies, they will decide a leader on the spot. In the process, they will madly eat the spiritual core of the corpse. You have also discovered it. Although they have not attacked us, they have been circling. This If someone digs out the spiritual core of a corpse, they will be attacked crazily."

Looking at Xiao Linqi's expression of realization, Su Kai shook his head. In front of the fire, a little sadness appeared on his face: "It's all human lives. knowledge."

This topic was too heavy. Xiao Linqi ate the can in his hand silently. After a while, he said: "When will the subsidy that Captain Liu applied for be available?"

Su Kai said in surprise: " Did you have a premeditated plan?"

Xiao Linqi nodded: "I was thinking, when we first entered the base, direct cash was better than mutated fruit."

He had been waiting for it, and after knowing the temperament of Du Lidong and the others After considering his behavior and Liu Cunliang's character, he had already planned it.

Su Kai pondered for a moment: "The military's subsidy... it depends on the situation. I think based on your situation, Captain Liu wants to win you over. He may give it to you the day after entering the base." "

Win over?" Xiao Linqi He laughed out loud and raised his eyebrows, "I suddenly seem to be very powerful. Who would have thought of it two years ago."

On Du Lidong's side, Xiao Weiru was lying in the back of the car, and Cai Yekun was huddled in the second row of seats, his eyes Take it easy, Du Lidong was talking to Xiao Weiru about what happened just now.

Du Lidong was so angry that he forgot about Cai Yekun's move.

Cai Yekun secretly clenched his fists. Du Lidong's words meant that his injuries today were in vain! There is no feeling in his right arm now, and his eyes are becoming more and more hollow. Under the hollow eyes, he wants to kill both of them.


After dinner, everyone went about their own nightlife. The motorcade arranged for people to take turns to watch the night, one person per car.

Xiao Linqi secretly thought it was troublesome. When it was Chen Lili's turn to watch the night, he walked quietly to Chen Lili's side.

"What's wrong?" Chen Lili asked softly.

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