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☆ 137. Chapter 137 Dispatch

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Chapter 137: He dispatched

the Dead Bone Spider & God who focused on pulling out fox fur and apologized to him.

Liu Qianzhi clasped his hands and raised his chin, and said slightly tiredly: "It has been rushed, but there is an instrument that can restrain the death energy in the plan. It's still not finished. Just this week, since those strange creatures came from the cracks, the death energy has expanded outwards. No one can live in the small base nearby, and they have fled to other bases farther away."

Liu Qianzhi hadn't seen each other for a while. The man looked many years older, with the extra white hair on his head and the tiredness on his face showing his age. The events in the west during this period had a great impact on the city lord of the southern base.

"The people below are very worried. After all, if the death energy continues to expand, sooner or later it will spread here," Liu Qianzhi sighed deeply, but soon, he looked at Xiao Linqi with his tired eyes, He burst out with hope, "For you to come back at this time will be a great psychological comfort to the people below. I think the heavy atmosphere around you has disappeared a lot."

Xiao Linqi's eyelids twitched: " You still have the heart to joke, I think Professor Zhou Dingde's research results should be soon." What does this mean? The burden falls directly on him.

"Mr. Lu, what are you thinking about?"

Liu Qianzhi's words made Xiao Linqi turn his head. Lu Baiqing, who was sitting next to him, seemed to have not spoken for a long time. At this time, Lu Baiqing looked like she was thinking deeply. Liu Qianzhi's words did not let him think about it. Pull your mind back.

Xiao Linqi raised her hand and pushed Lu Baiqing gently: "What are you thinking about and you are so immersed in it?"

Lu Baiqing suddenly came back to his senses, was silent for a few seconds, put his hand on his forehead and said: "No, I was just thinking about the black wings." Probably not. Could it be a fallen angel... right?

If so, he wanted to resolve it as soon as possible.

It's really troublesome, hiding in the Valley of the Dead.

Lu Baiqing's face darkened slightly, and her whole person's aura was a little intimidating, which made Liu Qianzhi's speech and body movements a little slow.

Seeing that Lu Baiqing was in a bad state, Xiao Linqi stood up from the sofa and said in her usual Qingyue tone: "I will find a way to deal with this matter, so don't worry too much."

Liu Qianzhi slowly shook his head: "There is no way, don't worry. The future of mankind will be destroyed. The changes in the Valley of the Dead are not yet known in the north, and the Zerg over there are eager to deal with them."

Xiao Linqi blinked and said: "I signed a contract with the General Administration of Special Countermeasures. Alien beast dispatch contract."

Liu Qianzhi felt as if he was hallucinating: "What?"

"Alien beast dispatch contract, and the alien beast's own labor contract," Xiao Linqi smiled, "I'll go back to the base first, and I'll ask for it later. Go to Yuanzhou Forest to find alien beasts suitable for dispatch to the north."

Liu Qianzhi didn't know what to say for a moment, he was so shocked, but think about it, since alien beasts can work in their southern base, why can't they go to the north to work?

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