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☆ 142. Chapter 142 Bai Yu

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Chapter 142:

The location & method of Bai Yus space crack.

Xiao Linqi could not wait for her dizziness to completely disappear. She endured the pain and nausea and reluctantly raised her head. A huge pit appeared in front of her.

He was carried far away by the air wave of the energy explosion. The current situation in front of him made it almost impossible for Xiao Linqi to overlap with the previous terrain. Not only was a big crater blasted out, but the rocky cliffs above were also flattened.

Xiao Linqi's pupils trembled slightly, the Elf King is so powerful, that guy should be dead... that's right! Lu Baiqing!

Xiao Linqi limped forward. After taking a few steps, he remembered that he could fly. He flew up to about five meters high in the air, lowered his head and looked around.

He reached out and touched the dead air filter on his waist. The machine made a hissing sound. The impact just now made it stop working. Xiao Linqi frowned, mobilized her spiritual power to resist the dead air, and quickly looked for Lu Baiqing.

The impact of the explosion just now dispersed the dead energy here. Now the visibility was much higher and the light was brighter. Xiao Linqi quickly found Lu Baiqing under a low rock.

"Lu Baiqing?" Xiao Linqi quickly flew over and tried to push him when he landed, "Are you okay?" The

flow of spiritual power and life breath in the pulse were normal, and Xiao Linqi released the hand that squeezed Lu Baiqing's pulse. , he should have been knocked unconscious by the impact and would wake up after taking a short rest.

Lu Baiqing's life was not in danger. Xiao Linqi breathed a sigh of relief, raised the corners of her lips in a small arc, and turned to check on the other purebred fallen angel.

In the center of the huge pit, Xiao Linqi did not see any corpses or body parts, only a half-pair of incomplete black wings, smoking, as if invisible flames were burning it.

Xiao Linqi stood aside quietly and watched. The remaining half pair of incomplete black wings quickly dissipated, leaving nothing behind... There was something. Xiao Linqi carefully gathered spiritual power in his hand, and slowly Slowly lift off and fly over.

There is something in the center of the pit, a feather.

The length of this feather is similar to that of the purebred fallen angel just now, but it is white and exudes a faint light. In this darkness, it has the light to dispel the darkness.

There was movement behind her, Xiao Linqi turned around and saw Lu Baiqing waking up in the distance, observing the surrounding scene with vigilance and confusion.

Xiao Linqi waved to him: "This way."

Lu Baiqing came over with a grin on his face: "Hey... what you put there is too scary, isn't it? It hurts." "

Sorry," Xiao Linqi clasped her hands together, sincerely annoyed, "I didn't expect the direct explosion of that light ball to be so terrifying. It burned the purebred fallen angel directly."

Lu Baiqing glanced at the center of the pit. The white stick was like some kind of holy spiritual object. It was difficult to ignore it. He frowned slightly: "What is that?" It was too abnormal.

Xiao Linqi looked at the feather thoughtfully and said: "When I came just now, the monster still had half a pair of feathers left, and it slowly dissipated as if it was being burned. The white feather should not have existed at the beginning. , it appeared after the monster's body disappeared."

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