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☆ 143. Chapter 143 Celebration

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Chapter 143 Celebrating and

welcoming the hero back.

Under Xiao Linqi's stimulation, the black ball of light beat like a heart, expanded and contracted, and more death energy came out of it.

Xiao Linqi felt that everything in front of him was black. He mobilized more spiritual power to use for his own protection. He estimated the remaining spiritual power and increased his speed. He turned his palm and the inheritance beads emitted a strong light and shot into the black light ball. inside.

After a few seconds, the black ball of light suddenly turned into a vortex, creating an inward suction force that caught people off guard.

Xiao Linqi raised her hand, preparedly opened the light green barrier, kicked her feet on the ground and quickly retreated, her wings flapped and landed next to Lu Baiqing.

"Let's go."

The two of them left here as fast as they could. The black vortex behind them was like a glutton. Its huge mouth swallowed up everything around it, including gravel, sand, horrible-looking monsters, etc. The death energy was swept away by the vortex. After eating it together with crazy suction, the lighting in this place is much better.

When he didn't get what he wanted, an angry roar came from the other end of the whirlpool. The dull feeling of the giant thing passed through the void, giving people a deep shiver, and a chill rushed from the feet to the Tianling Cap.

After Xiao Linqi ran for a long distance, he looked back with lingering fear, stopped and did not continue flying forward.

"Fortunately, I ran fast. The opposite side of the vortex is the main body." Xiao Linqi touched her chest, her heart was beating so fast that it felt like it was in her throat.

Lu Baiqing touched her chest and said with lingering fear: "I was almost bewitched."

Xiao Linqi looked at him suddenly, her eyes widened in shock.

Lu Baiqing glanced back. Nothing happened, and then looked back: "What's wrong with this expression? You scared me."

He was the one who was shocked. Xiao Linqi didn't expect that something so shocking happened just now. If Lu Baiqing took the initiative to pass by, it would be impossible for him to stop him. The suction force was so terrifying that it would be difficult to run by himself, let alone stopping someone who took the initiative, and he would also be sucked in.

"It's been a while since I used the Holy Spirit Flower on you last time. This time I'll go to Yuanzhou Forest and use it again to prevent you from backstabbing me." Xiao Linqi said jokingly.

Lu Baiqing drooped her eyelids, feeling quite depressed, and cursed Wang Chong passionately in her heart.

After the two flew back to the Yuanzhou Forest, they stayed for a while. After Xiao Linqi skillfully cultivated the new Holy Spirit Flower, he helped Lu Baiqing suppress the death energy hidden in his body, and then set up a trap in the forest before returning to the southern base. .

The human city was just ahead. Xiao Linqi sighed: "Although Yuanzhou Forest also feels like home, it is more familiar to the city where humans gather."

Familiar with various modern buildings, technology, food, etc., the sunset glow is red at dusk. The awns sprinkle on the ground, casting a layer of warm colors on the buildings in the base, making them look more hopeful and warm.

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