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☆ 11. Chapter 11 Plantingfont record

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Chapter 11 Planting

I love evolution, evolution loves me

. After washing the clothes and hanging them up to dry, Xiao Linqi breathed a sigh of relief, her stomach growled with hunger, and Heituan stayed away from Xiao Linqi vigilantly.

Xiao Linqi returned the same way. He used his own ability to build a simple tent-like hut using rattan and branches under the pregnant spirit tree. He walked in and took out the seeds he got yesterday.

Most of what he brought back were fruit seeds and a small amount of vegetable seeds.

Now was the time to witness the miracle. Xiao Linqi excitedly opened the bag of strawberry seeds and poured it onto the floor. Green light glowed on her hands, and vital energy was input into the seeds.

Under Xiao Linqi's expectant gaze, the strawberry seeds quickly took root, sprouted and grew, and then... grew bigger and bigger.

Xiao Linqi's eyes went from surprise to confusion to shock. He stopped delivering wood energy and looked at the strawberry in front of him that was as tall as a small tree... a tree?

Although, he did not see strawberries on the tree, Xiao Linqi seriously suspected that he had taken the wrong seeds. He picked up the packaging bag and took a look. The word strawberry was printed very clearly.

Xiao Linqi picked up another bag, confirmed that it said watermelon, and input wood energy again.

The watermelon vines grew bigger and bigger, but there was no watermelon in sight. Xiao Linqi was unconvinced and kept inputting energy. In the end, these watermelon vines withered and no watermelon grew.

Xiao Linqi stood there doubting life. He lowered his head and saw a few seeds that had not sprouted just now. He picked up a few seeds on the ground and saw an extraordinary life fluctuation. They were completely different from the watermelon seeds just now. Even Strange lines appeared on the seeds.

"The seeds have evolved." Zheng Lingmu said.

"Evolution?" Xiao Linqi lowered his eyelids, "I have felt since yesterday that the word evolution is not a good thing." "

Creatures without spirit or aura will only instinctively chase after contact with aura." Pursue evolution."

"Is that why those strawberry trees and watermelon vines grew so big? Did they fail to evolve?" Xiao Linqi looked at the withered watermelon vines and the extraordinarily tall strawberry trees.

"It failed. The seeds in your hand succeeded."

Xiao Linqi put them on the ground without saying a word and injected spiritual power. This time it was not as easy as before. After injecting a lot of spiritual power, these seeds sprouted. When they bloomed and bear fruit, Xiao Linqi felt a little weak, and the energy in her body felt like it had lost a lot.

He just let those strawberry trees grow, and he didn't even feel the energy loss.

Looking at the delightfully growing watermelons in front of her, Xiao Linqi sat cross-legged on the ground and murmured: "I hate evolution..." She was so tired.

But when he ate the first mutated watermelon, he instantly changed his view: I love evolution, and evolution loves me.

The mutated watermelon is very sweet. If you take one bite, you will feel the cooling feeling penetrate into your heart. It is a kind of comfort for the soul. The mutated watermelon contains spiritual power. If you take one bite, you can feel a comfortable energy infiltrating the limbs and bones.

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