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☆ 81. Chapter 81 Shock

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Chapter 81 Shock

Surveillance & Patrol Bureau & The Ignored Person

Others on the office floor heard the noise and came over. There were animals and humans. Lin Yingyin held her hand on the doorknob, and a person next to her came over and asked: " What happened inside?"

Lin Yingyin opened her mouth and couldn't hear her own voice. Several people nearby wanted to push her away to see what happened, but Lin Yingyin didn't push with them and pushed away shivering. As soon as those people opened the door, they were overwhelmed by the heat wave, and a line of unrecognizable charred corpses broke into their field of vision. Some people screamed, thinking that Lu Baiqing had finally taken action.

Listening to the harsh tenor, Xiao Linqi covered her ears and frowned: "Stop screaming."

Several people came out of the door and shrank back under Xiao Linqi's pressure.

"Then, whose body is that?" Someone asked Lin Yingyin who was standing at the door. Lin Yingyin shook her head: "I don't know."

It was probably Yang Linchuan's. Lin Yingyin was shocked in her heart. It was a sixth-level superpower. Dead in such a short period of time and the office was not broken, they were horrible.

Xiao Linqi is also scary. What the six-tailed demon fox said just now is meaningful. There are only three of them at the scene. The one who makes the decision is not Lu Baiqing or the demon fox. Then Xiao Linqi is the only one left!

The more Lin Yingyin thought about it, the more she became numb. She covered her mouth. Everyone in the base might have been deceived, and Xiao Linqi was the one who controlled the whole thing! If he were just an ordinary evolver, no matter how close he was to Lu Baiqing, the strange beasts in the building would not be so close to him. It was an instinctive habit that could not be developed overnight.

There are really many monsters hidden in the world now, and Lin Yingyin wants to go north even more.

If Yang Linchuan dies, Qinglong Society will definitely not get the top three in the January exchange competition. Wei Shenru will not have a spot for her. It is better to take the initiative to explain the truth to Xiao Linqi, not to mention the benefits, at least her own impression on his side Whitewash.

Anyway, that guy Wei Shenru didn't think much about her.

Xiao Linqi raised his hand and waved it in the air. The burning smell was very strong and he was choking. He glanced at the window behind Lu Baiqing, and Lu Baiqing said, "It's already turned up to the maximum." "You

, you killed Yang Linchuan..." Wei Shenru The incredible shout made Xiao Linqi turn around: "Don't talk nonsense, there is surveillance here. He obviously killed himself and carried out a suicide attack. I don't understand what he was thinking. I can see Do you look so weak?"

Then his acting skills are really great.

Wei Shenru's face turned green and white, and he licked his lips. His brain was unable to judge the best answer to the current situation.

"The surveillance seems to have been destroyed." Lu Baiqing raised her head and looked at the surveillance head on the ceiling.

The six-tailed demon fox said, "It's okay. Just have it before it was destroyed. We captured the scene of Yang Linchuan attacking Xiao Linqi, and there are witnesses." With that, it walked out of the office.

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