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☆ 98. Chapter 98 Gambling

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Chapter 98:

One vs. Four in the Gambling Game & You Will Cry Later

We can solve the problem of the arrest process ourselves, Xiao Linqi said, Im not very interested in practicing now, so theres no need to hurry up and absorb spirits in the Evernight Season. Power."

These words sounded like a proper show off to Long Qianlin, and he even looked down upon him: "I don't like outsiders entering my farm." "Are

you a fool if you don't make money if you have money?" Lu Baiqing laughed at him. .

"It's up to you to take care of it," Long Qianlin sat leaning back, holding his chin in his hand, looking arrogant, "I just refuse to cooperate, what can you do? I'm not short of money now."

Long Qianlin put on a determined look. Changing his mind, Qiu Daoshi coughed and said, "Qianlin, cooperation is beneficial to both parties. The reputation of your breeding farm can also be extended to the southern base." "

Not interested."

Long Qianlin's attitude was cold and challenging. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Let me tell you, City Lord, they were so shameless to Qiu Xuanrong that day. Now in the base, no, everyone on the Internet knows that he has bad conduct and wants to steal other people's boyfriends. Aren't you angry?"

"Sure enough, you can't judge people." Look at the skin." Xiao Linqi spread her hands and shook her head and sighed, with a look of caring for the mentally retarded, "Obviously she looks good, but why is her brain so weak and her personality so extremist? The city chief is angry about this and has come to trouble us. That Dongfang Base probably won't work."

"You!" Long Qianlin sat up straight, Xiao Linqi's eyes were full of pity, as if he was very pitiful.

Lu Baiqing looked at Long Qianlin, and then heard Xiao Linqi's words, and said warily: "To add, he is not as good-looking as me." "

Yeah," Xiao Linqi patted Lu Baiqing's arm as if no one else was around, "He Not as good-looking as you."

Qiu Daoshi felt like he was being fed a bowl of dog food. He coughed and signaled to the young people nowadays not to be so open-minded.

Long Qianlin stood up from the chair. His straight back muscles were tense. He clenched his fists and his eyes almost burst into flames.

He could still tolerate Lu Baiqing, but who was Xiao Linqi? He was just an ordinary sixth-order evolver. What qualifications did the media have to compare him with him?

He had a low voice and looked directly at Lu Baiqing: "I feel ashamed for you to let an ordinary sixth-order evolver ride on your head."

Lu Baiqing: "???" He looked at the dragon like a fool. Qian Lin, this guy probably thinks Xiao Linqi is average.

Xiao Linqi laughed softly and leaned against Lu Baiqing, looking at Long Qianlin as if he were a child having a tantrum. He stretched out his index finger: "How about we make a bet?" "

Don't look at me with that look. ," Long Qianlin's face was terrifying, and cold gold flashed in his eyes, "Guys who take advantage of others are just clowns."

Xiao Linqi's wanton smile subsided a little, and looked at Long Qianlin with amber eyes. His eyes also turned cold, "According to what I know, there are four sixth-level evolvers in the Eastern Base." "

So what?"

"If I can beat them four to one, you will be free of charge. Provide us with the resources in this farm within three months." Xiao Linqi shook her index finger, her voice became softer and more mad, "Do you dare to bet?" "

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