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☆ 89. Chapter 89 Jealousy

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Chapter 89: Jealousy

of the Heros Qualifications & Shrimp Pan-fried

Buns The Shark Shark Man left. The ocean beasts that could move freely on the shore did not follow him. Most of them killed the Zerg out of their wits. The fighting continued, but also Not so concentrated, as the Zerg dispersed, the entire battlefield also dispersed.

This large-scale three-party war has finally come to an end, leaving only sporadic flames waiting to be extinguished.

Xiao Linqi gathered her cloak and walked towards the man nearest to her. She stretched out her hand to pull off the mask on her face, revealing a delicate and cold face. He saw that the man had not recovered from the fear and released a warm feeling. Wood spiritual power: "Are you okay?"

The man felt his body gradually warm up, and the fear of falling into a bottomless pit gradually dissipated. He said gratefully: "It's okay, thank you... who are you?" He had never seen it before. These two people.

"The black wings...are they from the southern base? They are widely circulated on the Internet. The black wings, the ancient runes on the forehead, that Lu Baiqing dressed in melons?" "In front of

people, what adjectives do you use?" He was beaten. I heard that Lu Baiqing has a bad temper and is still covered in melons. You will be covered later." The shadow

of death dispersed, and everyone became more active. They discussed in low voices, and some people ran over to dry up Long, who was half kneeling on the ground. Lin helped Lin up, and Long Qianlin withdrew his hand from the arm of the man next to him, with a tense face. Everyone thought that he looked so ugly because he was not feeling well. People from the medical team hurried over, and two people were dragging him. stretcher.

Long Qianlin's face turned even more ugly, and he squeezed out words from his throat: "I don't need a stretcher, it's not that serious."

Xiao Linqi looked over and saw Long Qianlin looking at them, but the person he was looking at was Lu Baiqing. The emotion in those eyes was completely negative and not due to physical discomfort.

Xiao Linqi's amber eyes darkened, and there was no light. Someone came up next to him. His eyes returned to normal for a moment, very clean, and he listened attentively: "Huh?"

"Are you Mr. Lu and Mr. Xiao from the southern base? "A man wearing a military uniform came over. Judging from the style of his uniform, he was not an ordinary combatant.

Xiao Linqi nodded, patted Lu Baiqing, and told him to restrain his overly sharp aura, and said to this person: "We came to Dongfang Base for business, and we didn't expect to encounter this war."

The man nodded to show that he knew, and hesitantly said Pointing at the Sunsparrow still hovering above, the huge alien beast cast a shadow and put great pressure on them.

Lu Baiqing said casually: "It's from the Yuanzhou Forest. We trade it with nutrient blocks to let it carry us here."

The man showed a shocked expression as his outlook was refreshed: "Can alien beasts be traded?"

"As long as the time is right, you can Deal," Xiao Linqi smiled. In the blood mist, he looked more and more gentle and holy. "Is there anything else you need help with? If your city lord is free now, I would like to ask him something. This is The purpose of our trip."

The man thought for a moment, took out his mobile phone and took a look: "The communication has not been restored yet, only the internal lines can be used, and my authority cannot go directly to the city lord. You two will follow me into the base for a while. Wait a minute, you see..." He waved his right arm slowly to the side.

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