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☆ 103. Chapter 103 Destruction

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Chapter 103 Destroy

the bags and return to the forest.

Xiao smiled shyly. The emotion in his eyes was different from the emotion on his face. He was very calm. Observing their reactions, it seemed that there was no objection at the moment.

Lu Chengkai said: "After the disaster, I feel that as long as I can survive, anything will be fine. From now on, I will continue to rely on you."

They have no problem with judgment, especially on certain non-emotional issues. Quickly make a judgment. It is obviously better for Lu Baiqing to follow Xiao Linqi now. They cannot give effective treatment.

After dinner, the two accompanied Lu Chengkai and Lou Wanmo to watch TV and returned to the villa at eleven o'clock.

After returning home, Xiao Linqi walked to the place where she used vines to warm the Holy Spirit Flower seeds. The vines grew out of the magic circle on the wooden floor and concentrated at one point. After growing upward, they became concave again and were faintly visible at the top. Forming a hemisphere, inside lie the seeds of the Holy Spirit flower.

Xiao Linqi lowered her eyes and looked at the seeds, with no sadness or joy on her face.

The light in the corner of the living room only illuminated the side of his face, and the face on the other side was hidden in the darkness, making him look like he was thinking deeply.

Lu Baiqing slowly changed into slippers and went in. When he saw this scene, he turned on the headlight in the living room, walked over as if nothing had happened, put his arm around Xiao Linqi's shoulders and said, "Why don't you turn on the light?"

"Just turn it on." Xiao Lin Qi said, his voice sounded like his mind was not here.

Lu Baiqing bent down and looked at Xiao Linqi's expression, with a deep emotion in his eyes: "Are you still thinking about the sea?"

Xiao Linqi fiddled with the vines with her hands, and after a long time she said hoarsely: "It's just... A little scared." That call was strong and urgent, and the rich aura of death was approaching. He could distinguish it because it was similar to the death aura of the Bone Spider.

A lot of undead, a lot of huge unknowns.

Lu Bai put his hand on Xiao Linqi's eyes, and his magnetic voice was rare and gentle: "Don't think about it. Their target is not you. Don't think too much. Just have a sleep. Tomorrow we will set off to Yuanzhou Forest and ask Ask the pregnant spirit tree about the forest."

As he spoke, Lu Baiqing picked the man up in his arms and touched him lightly on the forehead, his eyes calm.

Regardless of the consciousness in the bloodline, or Xiao Linqi himself, because of the influence of the elf bloodline, he reacted to the filthy smell. Yesterday at the beach, he focused on this point to stimulate Xiao Linqi to regain her consciousness.

The holy aura also made him react, making him feel a little uncomfortable. Lu Baiqing didn't tell Xiao Linqi about this.

He hates all holy existences except Xiao Linqi.

Lu Baiqing carried Xiao Linqi into the bedroom, put him on the bed, took off his coat and tucked him into the quilt.

"Go to sleep."

Xiao Linqi stretched out her hand from the quilt and grabbed Lu Baiqing's finger, put her face against it docilely, and slowly closed her eyes with a low smile: "It's rare that you have high emotional intelligence."

He admitted that he was Lu Baiqing felt a substantial sense of security.


The next day, the Sunsparrow landed on the beach. Xiao Linqi and Lu Baiqing carried all the things on its back. Xiao Linqi fixed it with vines. The Sunsparrow twisted uncomfortably, and Xiao Linqi took a photo. He patted it and took out the food to seduce: "You can be the first to pick these things when you go back."

That was enough. The Sun Sparrow reluctantly flew up to the sky with a bunch of things on its back, carrying them with Qiu Daoshi's heartbroken and happy eyes. Flying towards Yuanzhou Forest.

There is still a lot of news about him on the Internet, and the popularity is very high. There are many people he knows in the southern base. Xiao Linqi plans to avoid the limelight before going back. He doesn't want to be watched.

On the way, Xiao Linqi asked Yang Lieque to land in a place. He called Chen Bigui and wanted to tell her that he would stay in the Yuanzhou Forest for a while and then go back after the storm had passed.

As a result, Chen Bigui read Xiao Linqi for an hour, and finally said hesitantly: "Lu Baiqing won't hit you, right? I heard people say that he is irrational sometimes."

Xiao Linqi laughed and looked sideways at Lu Bai His eyes were full of playful teasing: "Don't worry, grandma, he can't beat me."

It seems to be the case. Xiao Yu showed her the video that day, and his grandson knocked down the muscular man in a few strokes.

"Grandma, I'll go back in January. I'll ask the alien beast to deliver something to you. It's a specialty of the Eastern Base." "Please

pay attention to your own safety."


After speaking on the phone, Sunsparrow set off again. .

After arriving in Yuanzhou Forest, Xiao Linqi keenly noticed that the aura of the dead bone spiders in the west had increased a lot.

"You gave it a lot of blood," Lu Baiqing looked to the west, "Don't give it easily next time."

Xiao Linqi touched his arm, where he had been cut several times before, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "Yeah."

There were many more little lives in the Yuanzhou forest. The Yang Lie Bird was flying at low altitude. Xiao Linqi saw a place and jumped directly. Lu Baiqing was confused and turned around to see Xiao Linqi squatting on the ground after jumping. Doing something.

He asked the Yang Lie Sparrow to fly to an open place and wait. He flew back and saw Xiao Linqi squatting on the ground, digging something in the ground with vines.

"What are you doing?"

"Signaler," Xiao Linqi dug out the beacon from the soil with a vine, "You don't need it now."

He will stay here until the start of the exchange competition in January. During this period, there will be no need for it. Maybe he always hides under a tree to avoid surveillance.

After destroying the signal device with three strikes and two additions, Xiao Linqi went to Yang Lie Que to unload the goods with satisfaction.

The author has something to say.

There will be another chapter to be updated at noon or afternoon.

Yesterday I read the comment section and revised the future outline overnight orz

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