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☆ 135. Chapter 135 Cooperation

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Chapter 135:

Wang Kunshans

strange fruit, which is about to be investigated for cooperation, is also a scarce resource! If the power of the alien beasts just now made these people worried, then the alien fruit trade proposed by Xiao Linqi now directly tilted the balance in their hearts.

Minister Li smiled from ear to ear.

"What's the condition?" The director of the Operations Department was impatient and didn't want to do Tai Chi here. He looked at Xiao Linqi with energetic eyes.

Xiao Linqi's amber eyes dimmed for a moment, but what didn't match was the grin on his lips and his brisk voice: "The director of the Special Resistance Department in Chuncheng seems to be called... what is he?"

Lu Baiqing said: "Wang Kunshan."

"That's right, that's him," Xiao Linqi glanced at every minister, "Help me deal with him seriously. Charge him with whatever he deserves. I hope there won't be any bending of the law for personal gain..." His gaze ended at the end. As long as it falls on the head of the rescue department, anyone can detect the sparks where the two people's eyes meet.

There was an atmosphere of war in the conference room.

Lu Baiqing casually raised his eyes to look at the head of the rescue department. He was so weak that he could be crushed to death with one finger.

Lu Baiqing's gaze did not have murderous intent or any other emotion in particular, it was just a somewhat emotional look that gave the man who was gnashing his teeth at Xiao Linqi endless coldness and pressure.

It was as if a terrifying monster was staring at him, and his body was trembling slightly. Yang Binjue felt that his teeth were chattering. He reluctantly turned his head and looked in the direction of the pressure that made his body tremble uncontrollably. He saw a person. Lu Baiqing looked at him indifferently.

The legendary monster in the south lived up to its name. When Yang Binjue looked at Lu Baiqing, the terror in his heart doubled involuntarily.

When Lu Baiqing has a cold face or doesn't deliberately make any expression, his entire aura is cold. If he doesn't restrain himself deliberately, the distorted aura of the fallen angel will spread out, causing a huge sense of panic that will make people's breath stop. Negative Emotions were rising, especially fear.

A stream of pure spiritual power with the breath of life swept away, calming the fear in everyone's hearts. Everyone subconsciously looked at Xiao Linqi. Unlike Lu Baiqing, this young man looked gentle and peaceful no matter what he did.

The director of the Operation Department calmed down and felt that the name Xiao Linqi mentioned was somewhat familiar. After thinking for a moment, he turned to look at Yang Binjue and said, "Wang Kunshan seems to be a relative of yours?"

Yang Binjue had a cold face and a not very good tone. As if forcing something down: "Yeah."

"Chuncheng died because of Wang Kunshan's decision-making. People who shouldn't have died. Everyone finally turned the tide, and he jumped out to point out the situation again. It's really infuriating," Xiao Lin Qidao looked specifically at Yang Binjue, "This kind of human death is not a pity. With the power of one person, so many people were killed. Originally, Spring City did not need the support of ability users from other cities, because he expanded the scope of the disaster."

Xiao Linqi was talking about something. Everyone already knew what was going on. They couldn't help but look at Yang Binjue, either directly or sideways. Yang Binjue's face turned completely dark when he felt the gaze of many people, but there was nothing he could do about it. He slapped the table and stood up. As long as he went to investigate, without his manpower to stop him, he could easily find out many things.

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