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☆ 67. Chapter 67 Parents

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Chapter 67: Parents

are also clingy - Magical Real Life -

After killing the king insect and dealing with Wei Jie, Xiao Linqi recovered from the weird state and kicked Wei Jie a few times as if to vent her anger.

It seems like... it has changed again? Lu Baiqing looked at Xiao Linqi who was kicking Wei Jie in confusion. After thinking about it, he kicked Wei Jie a few times and felt better. The anger and pain of two years seemed to have dissipated a lot.

Xiao Linqi finished venting his anger and said to Lu Baiqing: "You can deal with the people in the White Tower yourself. Remember to follow what I just told you."

As he said this, he turned around and summoned the evil moa to leave. He could fly by himself, but At present, he is the only known elf bloodline in the world. As soon as his wings show up, everyone will instantly know who he is, and they can only catch strange beasts to take his place.

When Lu Baiqing saw Xiao Linqi leaving, he couldn't help but feel panic in his heart. He subconsciously raised his hand and grabbed Xiao Linqi's black robe. Xiao Linqi turned around and said, "What's wrong?" "

...Where are you going?" Lu Baiqing Licking his lips, he didn't know why he did this.

Sure enough, it is the Black Tuan itself. It behaves like the Black Tuan and is very clingy. Xiao Linqi thought to herself and said: "Go and help my alien beasts deal with the Zerg. It will take more time than expected with you." The

King Insect is located in the distance . The sound of all kinds of shocking ping pong ping -pong ping pink continued to come, the earth vibration, very fierce. Xiao Linyi felt that he could no longer continue to take time here. He had to help in the past.

Xiao Linqi jumped on the back of the evil moa, and felt something coming up behind her. The evil moa was very nervous, its feathers exploded, its head turned around, and it stared at its back.

"Why did you come up here?" Xiao Linqi looked sideways and saw Lu Baiqing standing upright on the back of the evil moa.

Because he didn't want to separate, he had an inexplicable urge to stick to Xiao Linqi... Lu Bai was calm on the surface, but was extremely broken in his heart. To him now, Xiao Linqi was just a high school classmate whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He was not very familiar with her in high school. Damn, why does he have such a strange idea? !

It must be related to that sporadic memory fragment! Who is the creature where my vision is?

He wanted to ask Xiao Linqi, but he felt that it would be strange to ask casually. After all, that creature had done a lot of intimate things with Xiao Linqi...

Xiao Linqi saw a little blush on Lu Baiqing's face and wondered if he was I mistook the crescent moon of Blood Moon.

"I saw that you were eager for revenge, so I didn't call you," Xiao Linqi paused, and said in a strange tone, "You are still of some use, and you have been raised for so long. It is not in vain."

Lu Baiqing remained silent, and from Xiao Linqi Analyzing the words, Xiao Linqi knew that little creature and knew that the little creature was him. Then the question came. Since Xiao Linqi knew that the little creature was herself, why did she still make those intimate actions? It should not be him... ...too innocent?

Di Feng was a little happy to see Xiao Linqi finally coming over. There were too many bugs and they could hardly stop them.

Groups of black vines fell from the sky, and each vine rolled up several Zerg species. They were so dense that the vines were like sweeping the floor. There were many of them in one roll, and they rolled up to the sky and then fell down.

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