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☆ 60. Chapter 60 Meeting

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Chapter 60 Meeting,

I see you like him very much &

the route is really confusing for a villain who is so stupid. Xiao Linqi remembers that he is a little unsure. There is nothing particularly iconic around him. They are basically similar. The brands of each laboratory are in succession. They are all confusing labs. The name of the department is very small and you need to look carefully to see it.

Finally, they came to a corridor. There was a heavy-looking door at the top. The two walked to the door. Wei Jie took his employee card and swiped the lock next to him, entered the password and pressed his fingerprint. The door opened. The heavy mechanical door opened. The wheel turned with a sound, and the outermost door opened, and there was another door inside. After it rotated and opened automatically, there was actually another door left.

Wei Jie took out the key from his pocket and opened the door.

"Professor Xu, I'll bring Xiao Linqi up for a visit."

"Why did you bring him up at this time?"

Xiao Linqi followed Wei Jie in and directly saw what the people in this laboratory were doing. Xu Dekun and a few The assistant was holding an unknown instrument, which looked like blood collection equipment. The glass bottle on one side was already filled with fresh blood.

Xu Dekun held a scalpel in his hand and was cutting off a thin piece of flesh at an angle. Xiao Linqi clenched his hand for a moment and then immediately released it, pretending to be scared and confused: "What are you doing?"

Xu Dekun said Frowning, he was very angry at Wei Jie's self-assertive behavior, but due to the presence of Xiao Linqi, he could not get angry. He could only forcefully put on a amiable look and said in a gentle tone: "I am studying spiritual weapons to deal with higher-level racial beasts."

In order to To reduce Xiao Linqi's fear, Xu Dekun patiently told him the reason: "The alien beasts in the Yuanzhou Forest are expanding their territory, and the southern base is in the satellite photography of their trajectory. The base needs to prepare in advance."

The two walked in . , the three-story door closed within seconds, leaving the entire laboratory with no other access to the outside except a hidden vent on the wall.

Xiao Linqi looked at Wei Jie doubtfully: "Isn't there already Mr. Wei?"

Wei Jie laughed at Xiao Linqi's naivety: "Not enough, how can high-level alien beasts be so easy to deal with? I can only deal with one at most, but There are only three known advanced races in Yuanzhou Forest, so we can only risk the weakening of the protective shield to create powerful spiritual weapons."

He walked over, put his hand on the glass, and sighed: "If you can, I don't want to touch No. 1 either."

A dark look flashed in Xiao Linqi's eyes, and she walked over and said casually: "No. 1? Will there be No. 2?"

Wei Jie almost thought that Xiao Linqi had seen through their plan. His whole body tensed up instantly, and a sinister look appeared on his face involuntarily. Xu Dekun slapped him on the head and put down the scalpel with a smile: "If possible, I hope No. 2 will not appear. After all, this is not a glorious thing. Many people in the base have a deep misunderstanding of us. We are obviously helping the base and helping mankind survive this catastrophe, but they always think that our approach is extreme... ah, sorry, people like to say these things when they get older. ."

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