Chapter 4: Sorting and feast

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Adelaide exited the train with Lily and Severus behind her. She drew a large breath. This is it. A very tall and big man, with long frizzy brown hair was standing in a long old rain coat, he was holding a lantern. "Firs' years right yer."

"Who is he?" Lily whispered to her and Severus. Severus, who usually answered Lily's questions shrugged his shoulders. "He is Hagrid. The school's gamekeeper." Adelaide answered her quickly. "My sisters mentioned him and said that he was very kind."

Hagrid brought the first years to the lake, where there was many boats waiting for them. The boats looked old and were made of dark woods and each had a big lantern attached in front of it.
Adelaide carefully went to seat inside one of the boats. Lily and Severus followed her soon afterwards. After all of the students were seated on the boats, the boats started to moved toward the huge castle. There were whispers of excitement and anxiety heard from every side, but Adelaide felt some sort of calmness while the wind was moving her hair and caressing her cheeks. They couldn't see much as it was very dark around them, nearly black and the only source of light was the lanterns.
Soon, their journey on the lake ended, when the boats stopped near the shore. Everyone slowly rose from their places and were lined and walked to the castle on foot.

When they entered the castle by the huge entrance, audible gasps were heard from all sides. Everyone began pointing to their surroundings and talking amongst themselves. Adelaide herself was amazed by the view and looked up to the ceiling. She knew the ceiling was enchanted and all, but seeing the beauty of the ancient spell really took her breath away.

A middle aged woman with a pointy witch's hat with green robes emerged in front of them. "Hello, students. I am professor Mcgonagall, your transformation teacher and also the deputy headmistress. Come now, follow me so that you can be sorted into your houses." Adelaide felt better when she saw the familiar face of the professor amongst the many new faces that she met today.
As the moved in to the great hall, there was a lot of tension amongst students. Many feared the upcoming sorting, even Adelaide who knew which house she was going to be sorted in had some nerves. What if I get sorted into another house? Even though, it was impossible to, but she was still nervous about it. Lily looked shaken a bit even though she braved a small smile, even Severus was paler than usual.

They were brought into the great hall, and students from higher years were already seated on their respective house tables. Many head were turned and were looking at them. It is quite stressful having these many eyes on you. Breathe, Heidi. There was a stool in the end of the hall in front of the staff's table. Professor Dumbledore sat in the middle of the table on the headmaster's chair, curiously looking at the newcomers and giving them all small smiles. When his eyes met hers, he bowed his head a bit, as Adelaide bowed her head in recognition. He was still his usual self, but he wore a more expensive blue robe with golden embroideries. His silvery-white beard and long hair was present.

The sorting hat, started to sing a song that he composed representing the different houses to the students. While Adelaide was listening to the song, she looked at the students beside her, to see if she could find anyone familiar. Sirius Black was standing a little bit further talking with a boy with messy jet-black hair and hazel eyes. There was William Avery, whose father was Avery sr. A bighead in the ministry. He had dirty blonde hair and green eyes. He looked at her and nodded to her. She nodded back. They played during some ministry parties or charity events with each other sometimes , even though she felt rather uneasy around his father since they were into those beliefs, she enjoyed playing with him.

She glanced at the staff's table, she saw professor Sprout who wore a yellowish-green robe with dark green hat that had scarlet-coloured flowers on it. Before she could assess the table, the song had finished and professor Mcgonagall began reading names.

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