Chapter 68: To continue the tale

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"I staunchly disagree with your answer. It simply cannot be the mandrake." Adelaide argued with Stephan in the library, as they were studying with Lily, Remus, Dorcas and Sarah.

"But what is your reason not to choose mandrake? Obviously it's not devil's snare." Stephan countered as Lily groaned.

"Guys please don't start again. I would go with mandrake and no, Adelaide-don't give me this look, i would say devil's snare is far fetched. Now the next question please." Dorcas said as everyone snickered.

"The next one is obviously C." Adelaide said quickly.

"I object. It's B." Stephan said as Sarah giggled.

While there was no feud between the top two students of their generation, they still had dome academic differences and they always challenged each other's views. It didn't help that they were both very clever and wanted to be the one who was right.

"We need to stop this. As you know, this evening, we have the slug club." Lily reminded them as Dorcas groaned.

"Can you tell professor Slughorn that i am sick?" Adelaide said with a playful smile.

"We already had potions with him today, Dela. You can't just become sick in a few hours." Lily responded with a glare.

"Really? Well it could be because of my cycle, Lily. Perhaps i was haemorrhaging." Adelaide replied as everyone chuckled.

"Nice try. Get up." They all said goodbye to one another as they went to get ready.

Adelaide wore a pretty blue dress that was long-sleeved. She wore a headband, the same colour as the dress, and wore some blush and lip gloss. "Good enough for me."

She walked with Sarah and Alice, after they got ready, towards the dungeons. Again this time, there was a table to sit around and on the table there was fantastic sweets, chocolate, sandwiches, tea and coffee. Adelaide felt Avery staring at her, but she paid him no mind as she walked towards the table. She sat beside Stephan who was drinking his tea.

"You look very well." Stephan said with a shy grin.

"You don't look bad yourself." Adelaide said as she tried hard not to blush.

"Of course." He replied too quickly, but after noticing how egoistic it seemed, he continued: "I meant thank you."

"Ah, well. After six years, i can most certainly translate your phrases." Adelaide stated.

"Now, now good evening. How do you do?" Slughorn said as he looked at them with his happy smile. His eyes settled on Adelaide as he noticed her very comfortable poise and how there was something different with her and Stephan. His eyes flickered between them as he tried to decipher things.

"Oh, my. Don't say! Please don't mind if i am asking, but are you two dating?" Slughorn asked quickly as everyone started looking at them.

Frank laughed heartily as Alice slapped the back of his head while Lily smirked. Stephan started coughing on his tea as Avery was looking at him angrily and with great jealousy.

"Oh, professor..." Adelaide started as her voice trailed off, as she flushed trying to gather her thoughts.

"It's alright, i was merely curious." Slughorn stated with some disappointment as if he was saddened that his top two favourite students were not dating.

"Actually," Stephan started as he cleared his throat,"we are close to that stage." Adelaide shot him a grateful look.

"Well, congratulations then! I must say, i was thinking of pairing you two. You would make such a golden match. Great choice!" Slughorn said as Dorcas snorted.

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