Chapter 70: A Match, a Party and Misuderstandings

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"Today is the quidditch everyone! Aren't you excited?" Mary said in a loud voice at breakfast as Marlene glared at her.

"More like stressed. Excitement went down the drain." Marlene answered grumpily.

"You always say that and manage to score the best out of your teammates." Dorcas comforted her as Marlene's shoulders slumped slightly as she shook her head.

"This match is against Slytherin, this is not only a matter of school games but also a manner of honour and respect. Literally, if we loose from them, they will make sure to remind us of this match for the rest of the year and i just don't want to give them more reasons to annoy us." Marlene rambled as her girlfriend came to her. "Yeah, darling?"

"Good luck." She whispered as she kissed Marlene sweetly. She then broke the kiss and left the friends alone.

"Well, you got your good luck kiss as well, you will be much better off, i say. Well, who would give me a kiss?" Sirius asked as he lazily looked around, as id to ask for a volunteer.

"Why would you even want a kiss? You're not even on the team." Asked Sarah with confusion as everyone laughed.

"Because i keep the morales up for the Gryffindor quidditch players, especially for these two idiots right there. I can easily give them enough strength to play well." Sirius answered as Lily merely rolled her eyes as she was reading a book.

"Nah, Sirius. You don't get a kiss because you got much more than that last night, remember?" Said James cheekily as everyone looked at the two of them.

Sirius shamelessly said: "Why, really?"

James nodded as he laughed: "Yes, that's why you bribed us three to stay in the common room or in another dorm."

At first all of them looked at a calm Sirius with shock, with how much he was alright with his dirty laundry being aired out like that, but after a few seconds, Lily started laughing at James' words as the boy looked over the moons by the fact that he made Lily laugh for perhaps the first time. Others soon joined in as Peter's squeaking laughter overpowered all of them.

"So, how was it?" Asked James as Adelaide face-palmed.

Adelaide shook her head as she said: "Is it even proper to ask-"

"It was better than the last time but it wasn't the best." Answered Sirius.

Remus, as if he remembered something said: "Oh, by the way guys, before things would get more personal and all, there is a party that will be hosted by us if we win-"

"When we win, that is." James said stubbornly.

"Yes, yes. So it will be starting an hour or two after the match so that you'll have time to dress up or get some rest." Remus said absentmindedly as they all nodded.

"What kind of outfits shall we wear?" Asked Mary.

"Whatever you wish, just something cool, hot and pretty. That's the dress code." Answered Peter.

As they were getting ready to attend the match, Adelaide said to her two Ravenclaw friends: "Our first ever real party, can you believe it?"

"Not really. It was as if it was yesterday when we were talking about what would we do when we're of age to go to these events." Alice replied excitedly.

"Yeah and the fact that we have boyfriends to attend with- well, situation-ship in Dela's case but whatever... this is going to be the best year ever!" Squealed Sarah as they all laughed.

"But where was Stephan today? He was absent at breakfast." Asked Alice as she turned to Adelaide.

"Oh, he is writing another article for the paper on potions again, he told me last night-"

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