Chapter 17: the mystery of moonlight

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October 1972
Adelaide had a pretty even first month at school. She studied, had her classes with Dumbledore, hang out with her friends and sisters. Her classes with Dumbledore was still on fire, which she had nearly mastered it. Unlocking her ice powers was not far off anymore.

She went to the library, after lunch, where she saw a group standing and whispering to each other, from the place that she was sitting. The group consisted of Rowle, Malfoy, the Carrow siblings and a few other students, they were all 5th, 6th or 7th year Slytherin students.

"....plan is to join him this year. He needs as many as assistance in his benevolent quest as possibly." Amycus Carrow said haughtily.

"I am already contacting someone to allow me this year as well. The sooner the better." Lucius Malfoy said chuckling to himself and carrying himself in a confident manner.

"Well, aren't you too young? 16, you're already in here, you can't do much." Another student asked him.

"Well, it might be soon. But there is plenty that can be done, even from here. You know, preparing other students, recruiting others, oh and spy on that mud-blood lover." A few people nodded at his statement.
Mud-blood lover? Who did he mean by that?

"Who is your contact by the way? I really don't want to risk anything, by telling the wrong people and landing in hot water." Corbon Yaxley, a 6th year student who had his hair in a short braid asked Malfoy.

"My girlfriend's sister and brother-in law have already joined him a few weeks ago. The latter of whom's father knew him from earlier, a family friend they claim. Also, my father and Avery Snr are close colleagues in the ministry. He told my father that he knows him from early on, too."

"Very well, so i'll contact Avery, if not i'll ask you."

"It's brilliant how all powerful and correct wizarding families are joining this fight. I am most hopeful that we can bring order this time." Rowle said smirking.

"Hm, not all families now. Some major families are quite against it." Malfoy replied, frowning.

"Yes. Those fucking blood-traitors! The Weasleys are a shame to our society. The Longbottoms and Prewetts are no better. Both families are too loyal to Dumbledore, with Augusta Longbottom denouncing the fight as thuggish! That shit-eating woman!" Amycus shouted the last part so hard, that saliva exited his mouth and Madame Pince gave him a look.

"Now, now quiet down you." Malfoy replied rolling his eyes at the librarian.
"But yes, and the Potters are too old to care for anything and if it wasn't for their great wealth and past relations to the house of Black, they could be counted as filthy blood-traitors."

"The Somersets, they are newcomers from Canada, though they are from England originally, but still newcomers. Such shame for a family so wealthy and powerful. Their only son is in second year i assume." Alecto informed the group.

"Yes, a brilliant boy i've heard. A Gryffindor. But we can recruit him, if he can be turned. Such potential going to waste. Even though he is having some questionable people for company, but there might be some hope for him." Yaxley thought.

"Well, he is good friends with Black." Malfoy countered.
"He is not much like Narcissa, if you are suggesting. He is much like Andromeda Black." Alecto sneered.
"Still he's gotten some potential going on."

"Ah, you know who else is the same age as them? The true heir to Ravenclaw. Darling Elizabeth's younger sister. She is brilliant as well. Slughorn gushes about her whenever we have the same class as the Ravenclaws." A boy said in an annoyed tone. Adelaide's blood ran cold. I am starting to understand what they are meaning now.

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