Chapter 44: Patronus and Protection

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Adelaide had worked very hard for her patronus, and today was the day that she would go to see Dumbledore, to show him her progress, and to see if there was any improvements to do so that she could finally cast a patronus spell. It was a week after the dating drama that ensued after Sirius and Marlene's announcement.

Adelaide went to Dumbledore's office and he again was writing something while listening to a radio. "... and they had also kidnapped an auror to extract information about Alastor Moody's next work, but due to his refusal to cooperate, he was murdered and his body was in pieces when it was later found."

After seeing her standing in his office, he quickly shot down the radio. He had a tired expression, as he looker at her: "Well, hello Adelaide. Did you work on your patronus?"
"Yes, sir. I did my best and still there is a huge wall of sliver mist and nothing else. Perhaps my corporal animal is in shape of a wall."

"Let's see. Concentrate and show me what you can do."

Adelaide concentrated and whispered the charm, it caused a silver mist to exist the tip of her wand, blinding her. She stopped the flow of the mist and paused to look at the headmaster.

"I think you move your wand too quickly. You need to move it slowly and gradually with a flow. Don't hurry on it and don't think about making it corporal, just think about the memory and put all of your focus on that."

Adelaide nodded and tried again. "Better. But again your wand movement should be like this, see." Professor Dumbledore demonstrated for her and she copied him.

After multiple tries, suddenly an animal exited her wand to her amazement. The animal had four legs and walked with great power and air of superiority in its motion. Adelaide couldn't believe her eyes. It was a lioness, something that confused her. The lioness waled gracefully and looked at them with great curiosity and opened its mouth to roar.

"Congratulations, Adelaide. You finally managed to cast a corporal patronus. It's extremely advanced for everyone and for you to be successful in casting it as corporal as a 14-year-old, is an amazing achievement. Don't underestimate yourself." He said as he stared at the lion curiously.

"Why is it a lion? I am not really a Gryffindor nor do i think i am closely associated to the traits of a lion." Adelaide said as she stared at the lioness, who watched her with great interest.

"Patronus shows us what is hidden but absolutely necessary in our personality. The thing is even if you don't have an affinity with it, the animal that it takes the form of, will be something that you have an affinity with it. Many might not expect what their patronus would look like, so don't think it only happened to you. I am sure in time you would come to the conclusion that it is the perfect choice."

"But seriously, i am not that brave, i don't think so."

"Adelaide, i can already see why yours is a lioness, first of all not all of a lion's characteristic is about bravery. Second of all, you are very courageous and brave. You might not see it but your friends, your family and even i can see that. The other characteristics of a lion is confidence, something that you show very clearly. There is leadership, which i think you will also see it yourself clearly in a few years time. There is protection also. You are very protective of your loved ones and always try to protect them and keep them away from harm. And this is something that you have shown for strangers too. It also symbolises power, something that is also clear in you. Strength and wisdom are greatly seen in you too. So yes, now that i am thinking about it, you most certainly have a great affinity with a lion."

"I don't think-"
"You can't see it now, but trust me i can see it as clear as the day and you will do so, too."
Adelaide only nodded and when she looked back, her patronus had already faded away. Then professor Dumbledore walked back to his desk and started writing a letter, his tired expression replacing the great happiness and pride that was a little while ago.

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