Chapter 63: The Calm Before the Storm

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A few days have passed since her break up with Avery and things weren't as bad as the first few days. She was heartbroken because he had taken her trust for granted and broke it this way and also angered at herself for trusting him, for endangering Helena and Edmund. She told the truth to Helena and Helena was not fazed by what she revealed and comforted her sister and she was the one who informed the news to their father. Robert was glad that his daughter had ended things before things got worse and was happy in a way, no matter how he tried not to seem that way.

Deep love sometimes can blind and deafen people and close their minds. Adelaide was angered how she let her love for Avery destroy her logic, truth to be told, she knew her friends were right, that at the end of the day, the choice for him was between her and his father and he chose the latter and his ways and no longer did he feel uncomfortable and guilty by their evil ways and actions but now was happiest then, when he was beside his snobbish group of friends. Their paths separated or had already separated from the beginning.

Avery knew better than to talk with her again. They couldn't be friends anymore as things had ended up badly. Severus sat beside Adelaide in the courtyard a few days after their last conversation and said: "He misses you. He truly loved you, Adelaide. Still does."

"I know. You vouch for him since he is also your close friend but at the same time, he already ruined his chance. I gave him time to change, to get better and he took it for granted. If he truly loves me, from the bottom of his heart, he needs to show it to me."

"How? By apologies?" Severus asked curiously.

"No, it's too late for that. He needs to show it by his actions. By showing that he is willing to change and also start to change for the better. To choose to be a better person every day. Saying all this, i doubt he would change. Don't deny it."

Severus thought deeply and nodded. After some silence Adelaide continued:
"Flattery won't get him anywhere with me anymore. It used to, he bought me gifts, kissed my tears away and all just for me to forgive him but now i am wiser. If he wants to change then tell him to change, if not then tell him to stop pinning after me and it's better for him to forget me. Ah and please stop being his wingman."

Now Mulciber openly sneered at Adelaide as she was no longer dating his friend, especially if he saw her with Lily or Mary. Her friends were quite supportive of her and she was grateful for having them. They had their OWLs to prepare for, as there was nearly 1 month left until their exams. If Adelaide was not in her classes, she was studying in the library, if not there, she was with the study group that Frank made, if not there, she would be in her room continuing her work.
She had her classes with Dumbledore and now complex ancient spells was what she was interested in and so, that was what they were working on.

Severus and Lily's friendship was now toxic as Severus' hatred towards James was wounding their relationship as he felt jealous and threatened by his pinning after his secret crush. Lily was having none of his shit and so started not only calling him out on it, but not talking with him for sometime until he apologised. While Lily had no clue for why Severus was feeling so much obsessive with James and Lily's drama but Adelaide knew exactly what was wrong and told Severus to ask Lily out and be done with it.

"It's literally a yes or no. If it's a yes brilliant, then you know what. If it's a no then cool, it's because she sees you as her friend not more and you can go and talk to someone who cares for you too. Now you're loosing Lily with the mess you're causing. She is not yours you know, she has a right to do what she likes so i suggest you tone whatever you have against James down." But her advice was ignored by Severus.

Fine then if he wants to ruin everything, his years worth of friendship with Lily, then cool. I can let him go shit on that. Adelaide already knew clouds were on the horizon, when Lily heard her last argument with Avery, she knew Severus was also deep into the same issue, dark arts and crazy beliefs and so despite Marlene's urging, she didn't cut ties with Severus because she still couldn't let go of their long friendship. While Severus didn't call any muggle-born «mud-blood», behind close doors, god knew what he was saying or doing. And so Lily turned cold towards him.

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