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"Then it's settled, they'll get married." Mr Kim said smiling at the Hwangs, who nodded in agreement.

"WHAT?!" Hyunjin yelled loudly as he stood up. His father urged him to sit back down and behave but he didn't obey.

"You'll both get married after graduation. It'll be a great decision for both our companies, and you'll give birth to the future heir of the companies as they unite together in the future." Mr Kim said and the parents looked at the teens.

Hyunjin wasn't anywhere near taking the news lightly and Jihye was just too stunned to speak or say anything, she was trying to process everything.

"Enough!" His father suddenly yelled slamming his fist strongly on the table, cutting Hyunjin off.

Hyunjin sat down fuming in anger, holding in his fists and he remained silent as both parents went on about future plans and how the wedding was going to be like.

Hyunjin raised his head slightly and glanced at Jihye and saw her in deep in thoughts. "Jihye you're fine with it right dear?" Everyone turned to her and she immediately raised her head and snapped out of her thoughts. She couldn't go against her parents, so she nodded reluctantly and Hyunjin stared at her in disbelief.

"That's my daughter." Mr Kim said proudly and Jihye just smiled and looked back down.

The parents were discussing some business things and wedding preparations and plans, meanwhile the teens were just silent. Their food arrived and they didn't eat anything and just sat silently. But then they got hungry and gave in and started eating.

"Are you really okay with this?" Hyunjin said picking up his fork and knife to cut his steak and Jihye looked up at him. She actually wasn't sure, she knew she couldn't disagree with her parents, but was there something else that made her agree?

"I-I'm not sure." She mumbled quietly and Hyunjin sighed. They finished eating and then everyone got up. The parents already paid earlier.

Hyunjin and Jihye stood there waiting for their parents. She felt a little disappointed when Hyunjin just went away with his parents without saying anything to her. She bit her lip and bowed with a smile to the Hwangs before they got in their car.

Jihye and her parents went in their car and the driver drove them home. Her parents praised her behavior during the dinner and she just faked a smile and nodded at them.

She arrived home and changed before collapsing on her bed out of tiredness. She fell asleep almost instantly.


Jihye arrived at school the next day and she couldn't wait to see her friends. She looked around for them, she turned around a corner and bumped into someone's chest. She apologized and backed away, realizing it was Hyunjin.

To her surprise, he just walked away with a poker face leaving her dumbfounded. She felt a lump in her throat at the thought that he was definitely ignoring her, but she shrugged it off not wanting to jump into conclusions too soon.

Tied a Knot ~ HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now