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The bell rang, initiating the beginning of break time, all the students left the class and went to eat in the cafeteria, or just chill and relax with friends around the school. Hyunjin had went to his friend Changbin's class to wait for him so they can hang out together, and it's no surprise that the girls there shrieked in excitement when they saw him, and he grinned and waved at them while winking, obviously liking the attention.

Jihye and Felix went to the cafeteria, where the rest of the group were sitting at their usual table. They both took their lunch trays and picked their food and then went and sat down.

"So... how's everything going with your future husband?" Jisung asked with a snicker but then earned a nudge from Jeongin.

Jihye glared at him and he then stopped talking and sulked and just ate quietly. Felix and Seungmin were just talking about video games and all that, while Jihye and Jeongin kept talking and giggling together like the maknaes they are. Jisung rolled his eyes at them and just kept listening left and right, switching between each conversation while eating and munching on the food with his cute chubby squirrel like cheeks.

The bell rang and they each separated and went to their classes. Jihye and Felix had english, which is thankfully not taught by Mr. Jang, the teacher is so sweet and they all love her since she's the only free spirited teacher they had.
Mrs. Kim entered the class with a warm smile and started preparing her materials before the lesson starts. Hyunjin was actually sleeping on his desk, he found english boring and since he knew that she wouldn't wake him up, he took his opportunity and fell asleep.

They did some tasks together and answered some worksheets and stuff, so they had some fun. When the class ended, they had a few minutes before the start of the next class, and they all prepared their things since they had physics next, with none other than Mr. Jang himself. They all held their breaths as they heard his footsteps echoing in the hallways and they prepared themselves for him to enter the classroom at any moment now.

Jihye saw Hyunjin still sleeping and she groaned and threw an eraser at his head, which woke him up and he looked around with a glare and then he met her eyes, and she signaled to him that Mr. Jang is coming, so he blinked and immediately sat up and prepared his things, just as he finished, Mr. Jang entered and stood in front of the class with his usual very firm posture.

He looked around seriously and analyzed everyone, just even for a slight change in the atmosphere, but luckily he didn't see or find anything suspicious, or that's what he thinks. He seemed satisfied with everything so he began preparing his things and began the lesson right away. He would ask any random student a question about the current lesson and even the previous ones, and if they didn't know the answer, he would give them a two paper worksheet and tell them that he "expects to see them fully answered tomorrow".

One of those students that he picked to question them was Hyunjin, and he felt his heart drop when he was picked to answer. Mr. Jang called him and told him to stand up to answer, and Hyunjin gulped and stood up straight and looked at him, waiting for the question, that he knows that he won't answer since he doesn't know anything about physics.

"What are the three states of matter?" Mr. Jang asked, looking at him with intimidating eyes, expecting him to answer at any moment now, since that's actually the easiest question he asked so far.

Hyunjin eyes fell on Jihye and he glanced at her, but she face palmed, thinking about how stupid he was for not knowing the answer to such an easy question. Hyunjin gave her a quick glare before he turned to his side, and the girl next to him discreetly showed him a small paper where she wrote the answers for him. He answered and Mr. Jang gave him a nod to sit down and Hyunjin did with a deep sigh of relief. He turned to the girl next to him and gave her a flirty wink, and she blushed and shyly smiled. Jihye saw them and rolled her eyes and just focused on the lesson.

The bell rang, finally it was time to go home. Jihye bid goodbye to Felix and hugged him before they separated. Jihye went to Hyunjin and found him flirting with the same girl, whose name is Ryujin. He was just flirting with her and she just smiles and blushes at everything he said. Jihye rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help the lump in her throat as she looked at them. He didn't even notice her and she just decided to just walk away.

She waited for him at the front gate, but he still didn't come and it already has been 10 minutes since she was waiting outside for him. A few more minutes later and he still wasn't out so she decided to walk home and ignore him. But before she actually took a step, she heard Hyunjin call her from behind. Jihye turned to him with an annoyed expression and he walked to her and just pulled her by her arm and went to his car.

"Were you thinking of walking home and ditching me? You could've waited a few more minutes y'know, why are you in such a hurry anyway..." He said as he dragged her and then got out his car key and unlocked his car.

"Oh so now you decided to get out... why don't you go on and flirt with her again? You seemed to have so much fun doing that..." Jihye grumbled and Hyunjin smirked as he opened the car door for her to get in.

"You were jealous weren't you? You want me to be flirting with you instead?" He teased with his grin and Jihye rolled her eyes and turned to him,

"I'm not jealous, you're way ahead of yourself there buddy. You can go back and flirt with her again for all I care..."
She said and Hyunjin chuckled and grinned wider.

"I'll do that tomorrow no worries." He teased with his signature smirk before he shoved her inside the backseat of his car and then closed the door and went to the driver seat to start the engine and start driving.

Jihye rolled her eyes and crossed her arms and just silently looked out the window, while also quietly sulking. Hyunjin glanced at her through the rear view mirror and smirked before finally starting to drive.

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-A J H . 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔

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