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Hyunjin and Jihye were both lying down on a soft fluffy blanket in the balcony of their mansion. It was a very peaceful night, the moon was shining along with the stars scattered across the dark sky, further glowing that beautiful night. They were stargazing together in comfortable silence, it was comforting for both of them.

Jihye turned and glanced at Hyunjin, looking so ethereal under the moonlight. His hair subtly moving with the gentle wind, his face glowing as it was illuminated by the moon, making his beautiful features stand out. His eyes alluring and appealing as the stars are reflected in them, his plump luscious lips looking more rosy red tinted than usual, his pretty delicate moles... he was just naturally beautiful.

Jihye turned away from him after realizing that she has been staring at him intently. She took a deep breath to calm down her heart that was beating out of her chest.

Hyunjin got out his acrylic paint and brushes set, along with a middle-sized canvas. Jihye watched as he was putting the paint on the palette and then started painting the night sky, taking a few seconds each time to glance up at the sky for reference.

She watched him with admiration and fascination in her eyes, he was smoothly moving the brush with paint on the canvas, recreating the beautiful scenery in front of him on the canvas. After he was done, he set it aside so it could take its time to dry up.

"That's beautiful." She complimented and he hummed and turned to her,

"I know." He said with a cocky undertone and she rolled her eyes, he would never just take a compliment humbly.

After talking about the stars and the constellations, and some other things, Hyunjin sat up and turned to her. Jihye didn't know why he suddenly looked at her but she sat up as well and looked at him, tilting her head slightly.

"You're mine for real now." He said and she widened her eyes in surprise, the way he casually said that sentence so seriously made her feel a little flustered.

She stared at him dumbfounded, not knowing how to answer him. How is he just claiming her as his own as if it's nothing. Jihye opened her mouth to respond but Hyunjin didn't give her time to utter a letter before he captured her lips in a kiss. She froze and stilled in her spot, feeling the overwhelming sensation of Hyunjin's lips pressed on hers, the rhythm of his lips moving sent a shock of sparks through her body.

Suddenly she jolted awake, breathing deeply with her eyes slightly wide. Jihye looked around and found herself on her bed, in her room. It had been just a dream all along. Jihye was reeling with the feeling, how was that a dream? It had felt so real, so detailed. She raised her hand and touched her lips, she could still feel his lips on hers, the same sensation is still there.

Jihye groaned and got up to get ready for school, she splashed cold water on her face to wake up, to get rid of that lingering feeling still in her. She then brushed her teeth and then exited the bathroom to get dressed in her uniform. Jihye stopped and realized that her skirt wasn't there with her shirt and blazer. She looked around her closet but still didn't find it, not even her spare ones. She got out her room and looked for one of the maids and called her over.

"Mae, do you know where my school skirts are?" Jihye asked and the maid replied,

"Sorry miss, your skirts are still in the washer. They're taking a little longer than usual since we're busy. I'll try to get it dried and ready by tonight." Mae said and Jihye sighed and just nodded.

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