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Hyunjin was annoyed by her constant nagging at him about how Ryujin was being a bad influence, insisting that he was indeed pressured and forced to skip against his will. And he was more annoyed because she's actually right. Ryujin did kinda force him into skipping, and he didn't protest much because he thought that he kinda... liked her.

~ flashback ~

The bell just rang, signaling the beginning of classes, and the students were slowly starting to make their ways to their classes. Hyunjin and Ryujin were still standing by the lockers, chatting and flirting a bit.

"Guess we should get to class huh..." Hyunjin mumbled in annoyance at the interruption, he didn't wanna leave her, he didn't want their time to end yet.

"I'll see you at lunch?" He asked looking at her, before she looked up at him with a mischievous grin, a glint of rebellion in her eyes.

"Hyunie, how bout we skip classes instead?" She suggested and Hyunjin raised a brow in surprise, she wanted to skip classes with him?

He didn't know if he should accept skipping with her or not, he just didn't want to get in trouble and get detention after possibly getting caught.

"I think it's better if we head back to our class, we don't wanna risk getting in trouble." He said, which made her grin fall into a pouty frown instead.

"Come on Hyun, a little fun out won't hurt. You agree that classes are boring as hell, so give in and let's enjoy our time." She tried to persuade him more, but he still didn't wanna risk it, even though it sounded appealing and really fun.

"Let's not, Ryu... we can handle a few hours of lessons just fine." He said and she clicked her tongue in irritation, she was gonna make him give in one way or another.

She smirks and slowly approaches him and cupped his face in her hands gently, looking up at him with a suggestive expression on her face, which surprised him. He was taken off guard by her sudden change of demeanor, but his heart fluttered at their closeness.

"Come on, baby. Let's have some fun together, just you and I. We can do whatever you want~ Do it for me?" Ryujin said, sounding seductive and flirty while remaining that smirk on her face.

"You're a little minx aren't you." Hyunjin smirked and looked down at her, and she gave him a little flirty wink, he liked seeing this seductive side of her.

"Sure, let's dip outta here." He said with a smirk and her grin widened and they both sneaked out the school while everyone was in classes.

~ End of Flashback ~

"Listen, I know Ryujin very well... she's popular and pretty, yeah, but she's been in scandals before." Jihye said and he rolled his eyes.

"Why are you always on my ass huh? How bout you mind your own business for once." He snapped back and she scoffed, how dare he speak to her in that tone.

"Oh it's my fault for looking after you, it's completely my fault that I'm just trying to warn you. I just care about you okay." She said and he scoffed,

"Well, it's my life and I'll do whatever I want whenever I want. I don't want you holding me back." He said crossing his arms in annoyance and she sighed,

"I just thought I would warn you, I know girls like Ryujin are always up to no good..." Jihye said softly, hoping he'd listen but he just rolled his eyes once again.

"What, is that your sixth sense or something? How about you focus and work on your other five." He spat angrily before storming off.

Jihye rolled her eyes and huffed in frustration, he was so damn stubborn, and it was annoying as hell. She sighed and decided to ignore it for now. She just went and got in the car and he started driving, completely ignoring her and not glancing her way, not even once. She knew he was mad, but he was mad at her for nothing. She was just looking out for him, but it was obvious that he didn't like or want that.

He stopped by her mansion and she got out, and he immediately drove away before she could say anything. She scoffed and just went in her house, and as she was taking off her shoes, her phone buzzed with a message. She picked up her phone and saw a message from an unknown and unsaved number. She opened it and it read,

Unknown Number:
Hey, it's Minho.

Minho? She was surprised. She didn't remember giving him her number, but she shrugged it off and saved his number before sending a message back.

Hey Minho, how did you get my number if you
don't mind me asking...

Lee Minho:
Got ur number from Felix.

Oh alright, is there something that you want?

There was a pause, five minutes have passed and Jihye was confused. Is he gonna type and send anything? Is he thinking of a response or reply? Is he gonna-

Lee Minho:
Let's hungout.

Jihye read the message and blinked, ... huh? Did it really take him over five minutes just to type those two words? She chuckled softly and typed out a reply,

Sure, I'm down. What time are you thinking?

Lee Minho:
Sat, 5pm.

Okay, sounds great. I'll see you then.

Jihye then turned off her phone and placed it aside, she would be lying if she said that she wasn't actually looking forward to her hangout with Minho. He didn't tell her where they will go or what they'll do, and she didn't ask either. Maybe she wanted to let it be a surprise, that would get her intrigued. She's excited to see what Minho has planned for their little 'date' on Saturday.

Jihye sighed and got up to do all her homework before eating dinner, and then she'll get ready for bed. Jihye started doing her homework, and she finally finished after about 20 minutes. She then went downstairs for dinner and the maids have already prepared her meal, so she thanked them and sat down to eat. She was watching a kdrama while eating to entertain herself for a bit. And when she finished her meal, she placed the dirty dishes in the sink and then washed her hands before going upstairs to her room to start her night routine.

She changed into her pajamas and brushed her teeth, before moving on to her skincare routine. She finished and put and stored everything back in the mini fridge for her skincare products. She then sighed and went to her bed and prepared it before she got on and then lied down and let out a yawn before sleeping.

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-A J H . 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔

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