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It was Friday morning, Jihye woke up and did her morning routine as usual and got ready for school. She finished and went to eat breakfast like usual, she made herself a simple strawberry jam sandwich with a cup of milk. She finished and picked up her phone after she heard it buzz, just to see a message from Hyunjin.

'm not picking u up today, 'm busy.

She frowned after reading it, why all of a sudden? She sighed and put her phone in her skirt pocket before grabbing her bag and then left the house. She'll just walk, it's no big deal. As she was walking, she caught a glimpse of a familiar black fancy car in the distance from the corner of her eyes, she immediately recognized it as Hyunjin's. She turned slightly and saw him in with Ryujin in the passenger seat, and they were laughing while talking as he drove past her, not noticing her.

She rolled her eyes, ignoring the fact that it actually made her blood boil slightly at the view of them both together. Of course, he would ditch her for Ryujin, because he said he 'liked her'...
Jihye shook her head out of these thoughts and arrived at school, and then got in and looked for her friends. She spotted them bickering in the hallway and she chuckled to herself before approaching them and then greeted them.

"Oh hey, surprised you didn't come with that rude Minho guy..." Seungmin said sarcastically and Jihye nudged him playfully.

"Don't say that about him, he's not as bad as you guys think." She defended and Jisung scoffed quietly,

"Well it didn't seem like it when you first introduced us to him." He said and Jihye sighed and rolled her eyes, she didn't know why they would judge Minho like that when they don't even know him well.

They talked together but then, noticed that Felix was quiet. He was usually the talkative one in their friend group, but he's busy on his phone... texting someone? The three of them exchanged looks before turning their attention back to Felix who was just texting, as if they weren't there.

"Lix?...," Jihye tried calling but he was still busy on his phone, she frowned, "hello, earth to Felix." She called again but received no reply or glance and she then rolled her eyes.

"Lixie hyung..." Jeongin called softly and Felix immediately looked up at him and put his phone down, "hm?" He hummed looking at them, as if he just noticed and realized that they were standing there.

"Who are you texting?" Jisung asked with a raised brow and Felix huffed quietly and then shrugged nonchalantly,

"No one." He replied and they all just stared at him knowingly, they easily could tell that Felix was lying, not wanting to admit whoever he was texting.

"You've been texting since yesterday... you didn't leave your phone a second." Jisung said but Felix shrugged again, "So?" He said and Jisung huffed in annoyance.

"Just tell us who you're texting, freckled face." Seungmin said bluntly and Felix scoffed and pouted slightly before hitting him.

"Hey! I told you not to call me that!" Felix argued but seungmin rolled his eyes at Felix's attempt to change the subject.

"Just tell us who you're texting, don't change the topic." Jihye said and Felix scoffed, "I told you no one. It's not important, so just drop it." Felix tried to dismiss the conversation but they weren't gonna let him do that.

But the bell suddenly rang and they huffed in irritation at the interruption, but Felix grinned brightly and looked at them,
"Oh well, saved by the bell I guess." He said before rushing away.

"We'll find out who's he texting, one way or another." Jisung said with determination before getting dragged by Seungmin and they went to their class.

Jihye was on her way to her class when she caught Hyunjin and Ryujin trying to sneak out of the school, again. She didn't want to care, but she somehow didn't want him to get influenced by her again. She sighed and decided to march up to them and called out to him, "Hyunjin!"

Hyunjin and Ryujin turned around and saw her approaching them. Hyunjin raised a brow and Ryujin crossed her arms, knowing what's coming.

"Hey, are you gonna skip again? Please don't..." She said softly and he scoffed and turned to Ryujin, who rolled her eyes at Jihye.

"What's it to you? Why do you care if I skip again or not?" He said and Jihye sighed,

"Come on Hyunjin, you're smarter than this... just back to your senses and listen to me—"

"Shut up." He said coldly and bluntly, which caught her off guard.

Jihye looked at him, and all he gave was a hard blank look. Ryujin then shoved her aside and took Hyunjin's hand and they walked away, and Jihye just stared at Hyunjin's back, and he never looked back. She sighed and turned around to go back to class but she saw a teacher in front of her, crossing his arms in disapproval.

"Why aren't you in class young lady?" He said looking at her stoically with a firm expression and she let out an awkward chuckle and scratched the back of her neck nervously.

"Ah, I uh... I was just using the bathroom sir..." She said and he shook his head,

"Detention." He said and she sighed and nodded at him before he dismissed her and she went back to class.

Finally, the final bell rang, which meant the school day ended and it was not the weekend. The students packed their things and got ready to leave, and Jihye sighed and left the classroom to go to the detention room. As she was walking, a figure suddenly came and began walking with her. She turned and looked up and saw that it was Minho.

"Oh hey..." She said quietly and he gave a quick nod and continued walking with her, and she tilted her head slightly, did he get detention too? If not, why was he still walking alongside her then?

"Uh... did you get detention?" She asked and he shook his head and put his hands in his pockets.

"Okay, why are you walking with me then?" She asked and he shrugged,

"Just cuz." He said and she chuckled softly and faintly smiled, she thought that it was sweet of him to walk with her, even though he tried to be nonchalant about the situation, she could easily tell that he wanted to keep her company.

They reached the detention room and she sighed and went in, and Minho came in too. She blinked in confusion, but he just sat down and looked up at her, giving her a nod signaling to her that she sits on the seat next to him. Jihye obliged and sat down, the teacher was too busy to notice them. They chatted and laughed discreetly, they had fun.

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-A J H . 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔

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