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The weekend was over, and Jihye found herself getting ready for school. Hyunjin was already blowing up her phone, since he was already outside and she woke up a little late, she was hurriedly getting ready since it was already 7:45am right now. She finished and grabbed a strawberry milk bottle from the fridge since she didn't have enough time to make any breakfast for herself.

Jihye took her bag and her milk and went to get in Hyunjin's car, and he looked pissed at her, she expected that and just ignored him as she sat in the backseat of his car, since he still didn't want her next to him in the passenger seat, not like she even cared or anything.

"Took you long enough." He said with a clearly mad tone without looking at her, but it was obvious that he had an angry expression on his face, and she just sighed and didn't say anything, since it was kinda her fault for waking up late.

"Give me a break, I woke up late." She said and he scoffed and turned back to her,

"Oh you woke up late?! You used to always make fun of me when I used to wake up and arrive to school late everyday all throughout middle school, and now it's you who wakes up late, hmm how ironic." He said with an annoyed tone, as he started the engine and started driving.

"Sorry..." she mumbled quietly and he suddenly smirked and looked at her through the rear view mirror,

"What was that?" He teased with his smirk and she huffed and crossed her arms and he grinned again, "I didn't quite get that, mind saying it again?" He teased again with a cocky chuckle.

"S-Sorry..." she mumbled again and his smirk widened and stopped at the red light and then fully turned his head to her with another chuckle.

"Aww are you getting shy?" He teased and she rolled her eyes, but couldn't help the light pink blush that crept up all the way to her cheeks.

He chuckled again and drove off with the green light on and decided to stop his teasing now, since he seemed satisfied enough with her reaction already. He stopped at her usual stop and she sighed and got out and then he drove away, and she groaned as she walked the remaining steps to school.

She arrived and ignored Hyunjin and his fangirls and just went to her friends, they talked together before the bell rang and they separated and went to their classes. They had to continue working on their projects with their partners, since the due date was at the end of this week.

Hyunjin and Jihye were working together, mostly her doing everything and Hyunjin was busy on his phone, in a discreet manner of course, since Mr. Jang was looking at everyone with his hawk like eyes.

"Can you at least just organize the research I made? That's the least you could do." She said and he shook his head without even looking at her and just focused back on his phone.

"Please?" She didn't know why she pleaded but she suddenly did, probably because she was already tired of always doing all the work only by herself. But that actually made him pause on looking at his phone, and his eyes perked up and looked at her with a raised brow.

He stared at her for a moment and before he even knew it, he found himself putting his phone away and then picked up the papers and started organizing her research. She was surprised nonetheless, but she felt relieved that he really agreed in helping her, and all it took was a simple "please".

They were both working and Mr. Jang was satisfied enough that all the pairs were working on their projects together with each other. Hyunjin felt weird, his hand brushed against her hand multiple times while they were working together, and he felt weird. His heart skipped a beat the first time it happened, but the second time it happened, he felt his heart beating a little faster.

He found himself doing it on purpose a few more times, and he would glance at her to see if she also felt anything like he did, but she was way too focused on getting the work done to notice that her hand even felt his hand multiple times already. He felt a little frustrated, and didn't even think straight when he suddenly full on grabbed her hand, and held it while looking straight into her eyes.

Jihye put the book down and turned to him with a confused expression, but seeing his piercing gaze staring into her eyes, she froze a little. Her heart raced as she stared back at him, now they were just engaged in a silent staring contest with each other, in their own world. Their moment would've went on for a long while, until a hand was slammed on their desks, which made them flinch and they looked in front of them, just to see Mr. Jang looking down at them with his hawk eyes.

"What's the meaning of this? I said work on your projects not stare at each other, get a room and don't act lovingly here in front of me, understood?" He said in a firm tone and serious expression and they nodded and he walked away.

Hyunjin still didn't let go of her hand, he didn't even notice that he was still holding it, but part of him didn't want to even think about it, all he knew is that her hand felt nice, and he didn't want to let go yet.

"What were you thinking? What did you do that for?" Jihye said, pulling her hand off and he frowned at her, as he looked at her hand that was now away from his.

"What? You were staring back at me y'know... it's not only my fault." He said with an eye roll and then went back to the papers.

She side eyed him before deciding to ignore it and just went back to doing her work in silence, although she knew that she also stared back at him, which felt weird, but also felt very... electrifying?

She shook her head and ignored all those thoughts and feelings, as she focused back on her work.

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-A J H . 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔

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