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Hyunjin had fell asleep as soon as he said that and Jihye stared at him in silence, still a little overwhelmed with his sudden confession. She still didn't fully believe his words, since there might be a possibility that he just said all that drunkenly. She looked at his peaceful sleeping face and admired his beautiful features for a bit before she reached out her hand and softly caressed his cheek. Hyunjin leaned into her hand unconsciously in his sleep and he let out a soft quiet hum as he felt more relaxed because of her touch.

Jihye took her hand off and pulled the covers over her body to get ready to sleep. She gave Hyunjin one last glance before her eyes closed and she gave in to tiredness and fell asleep. The room fell silent other than the faint sounds of the city outside and the gentle breeze hitting the window subtly. Their soft quiet breathing could be heard from both of them as they slept peacefully through the night.

The sun started to rise and morning came, making the sunlight shine down on the widow, giving the dark room a warm golden hue that illuminated the room. Jihye slowly stirred up as the sun was shining on her face through the curtains. She slowly sat up and let out a yawn, before she turned and looked at Hyunjin still peacefully sleeping. Jihye turned to the alarm clock on the bedside table and saw that it was 10am, and she knew that they missed school but she didn't care at the moment.

She got off the bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up and start the day. Just as she reached the sink to wash her face, she saw the purple and red bruise on her neck. Jihye was surprised to see it, she didn't see it last night when Hyunjin bit her neck. She sighed and washed her face, while she was thinking of ways to hide the hickey, maybe she'll use some concealer later.

She then got out of the bathroom and saw that Hyunjin had just woken up, and he let out a groan as he stretched his arms. Jihye could see the veins in his arms, as well as his muscles flexing and she let out a quiet sigh as she looked away from him, knowing it wasn't time to admire him. Hyunjin looked up and saw her and then raised a brow, and Jihye thought that he probably doesn't remember anything that occurred last night.

"When did you come here?" He asked huskily in his deep morning voice and Jihye explained half of what happened last night, except the confession part and Hyunjin just let out a sigh and then got up from his bed.

Hyunjin saw the hickey on her neck but he looked away and just went in the bathroom, too tired to comment on anything at the moment. Hyunjin washed off and he let out a tired sigh, his head throbbing because of the alcohol from last night. He took some painkillers after he finished washing up.

They both then went downstairs to the kitchen so they can eat breakfast, Hyunjin's parents were already out for work so it was only them and the maids working around the house.

"Did I say or do anything to you last night?" Hyunjin asked as he was preparing ingredients to start making their breakfast, and Jihye was quiet for a bit before she shook her head,

"Nah, don't worry about it." She replied and Hyunjin let out a hum, he was still trying to figure out and remember all that had happened but his head was still feeling fuzzy.

Jihye helped him make breakfast and they both started cooking together in comfortable silence, other than the occasional short talk about how to do the steps in making breakfast. They then finished making their food and sat down together to eat, Hyunjin turned on the TV so they could watch together while eating.

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