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Jihye arrived at Felix's house and she got her bag before getting in. They were in the living room preparing and decorating a small tent so they could have their sleepover in it. Felix saw her and immediately went and greeted her with a warm hug before he helped her with her bag and she went with him.

"You dumbass this is supposed to go this way not there, you want us to sleep on top of the tent?" Jihye walked in to Seungmin arguing with Jisung who yelled back defending himself.

"No, it's because it's supposed to go that way. Why not sleep on top-" Jisung was cut off by Seungmin hitting his chest playfully.

Jihye sat next to Jeongin who was chilling on the couch pouting a little with a milkshake in his hands. Jihye giggled at him already knowing what happened. Felix wouldn't let Jeongin do anything that needed hard work because they never wanted him to get hurt, he was their baby after all.

Jeongin got the milkshake to Jihye's face and she gladly took a sip and looked at him amazed with the sweet taste. They shared the milkshake together until it finished, and the three boys finished with tent as well.

"We're done and all the pillows and blankets are ready inside. It's time for the matching pajamas!" Felix exclaimed before he ran upstairs to get their pajamas.

He gave them one each, it was animal onesies that Felix bought for the five of them. Jeongin got the fox, Jihye got the bunny, Felix got the cat, Seungmin got the dog and Jisung got the squirrel.

They all changed and then sat in the living room with snacks all around them. Jeongin and Jihye were sharing their bowl of popcorn cutely, and even feeding each other. Meanwhile the other three were chaotic, Jisung making a mess and Seungmin hitting him, making some popcorn fall out of the bowl, and Felix was just trying to eat as much as he can before it all falls, he will make them clean it up so he was chilling.

"Is it too late to kick him out?" Seungmin asked pointing at Jisung savagely and Jisung yelled at him.

"No not really." Felix laughed and Jisung scolded both of them.

Jihye and Jeongin were in their own little world. They were just both eating calmly together being in their own little bubble, ignoring the chaos next to them. They were the youngest in the friend group, the maknaes are always cutely close together.

"Shut up and let's enjoy the movie you shitheads! The babies are tired of you always being chaotic and ruining everything." Felix said scooting away from them and sitting closer to the other two.

Seungmin and Jisung shut up and watched the movie without making any more mess. The movie ended and the two boys were made to clean the popcorn mess they made or they wouldn't get any dessert. They both finished and then Felix brought out the dessert, which was his famous brownies. They all loved it and were enjoying it.

They were now singing karaoke, and Jisung always eats that up. He always slays with his beautiful voice that the others would just shut up and just listen to him. That was one of the only things that Seungmin didn't have anything to roast him about.

Jeongin was now singing and they cheered admiringly for him as well. He had a unique singing voice that they loved to hear. And now was Seungmin with his angelic vocals, and that was something heavenly for sure. Now Felix was different, with his deep voice that they all felt intimidated by. Jihye wasn't bad herself, but she already knew her voice would never compare with any of her friends as they were all talented and skilled.

After they were done with their little karaoke session, Jeongin suggested to play a game, which was charades. They all agreed and started with the game, after they divided into two teams, the two maknaes, and the other team is the three boys. The winner team would pick another movie for the rest to watch.

First round was Jisung and the two boys were already speechless.

"You dumbasses! It's not hard!" Jisung yelled at them in frustration as he was acting out his given word, which was 'shower' but they weren't getting it with his weird movements.

"It goes like-"

"Yah! No more talking allowed!" Jihye said and Jisung bit his lips and tried to get them to understand without talking.

"Monkey?" Felix asked confused and Jisung face palmed and shook his head rapidly.

"Itching?" Seungmin was already over this round knowing Jisung is so bad at it.

"Times up!" Jeongin said and Jisung yelled at them saying how they were stupid for not getting it, claiming that it was so easy and they started arguing like they typically do.

"It's shower! How did you not get it! You rub your body with soap and water and-"

"Shut up, you've been rubbing your armpits for the past three minutes that's not what a shower is all about!" Seungmin spat back and Felix shut them up.

It was the maknaes turn and Jeongin got up to start acting out the word he was going to get. The three boys discussed a word together that would be hard for Jihye to guess and they ended up settling for the word
'spider man' for some reason.

Jeongin frowned at them but did spider man's famous signature move with his hand and Jihye guessed it right instantly. The boys were amused but they gave another hard word, 'Micheal Jackson' and she got it right as well after Jeongin did a simple moonwalk.

"What?! How are they good at this?" Jisung said and Seungmin side eyed him.

"They understand each other, but you are just weird in general Ji, that's something we can't help you out with, you have a few brain cells that are slowly fading away." Felix said while munching on a brownie and Jisung sulked as he sat down defeated.

They played a few more rounds and in the end the maknaes won. They picked a movie and it was the 'Spider man across the spider verse' , which was released only a few months ago.

They didn't really mind it as they were planning on watching it someday anyway since it looked exciting. Thirty minutes into the movie and Jisung was already snoring. Seungmin covered his nose with cotton balls so he would stop making noise and it worked but Jisung woke up startled a few seconds later.

"Oh my god! I thought I was gonna die." He said dramatically as he clutched his shirt near his heart and breathed deeply.

Seungmin rolled his eyes at him and pushed his head back lightly making him lie back down on the floor in their tent. The movie ended and they were slowly starting to feel sleepy by now, other than Jisung who was in deep sleep for a second time. It was around 2am right now and they decided to call it a night. They all exchanged good nights and Felix turned off the TV and then lied back down and they all closed their eyes and fell deep into slumber.

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-A J H . 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔

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