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Ryujin smirked in satisfaction, "Oh yeah? That's good to hear. But why is she always hanging around you then?" She said and Hyunjin shrugged.

"Does she think that she has a chance with you or something?It's so pathetic if you ask me." Ryujin said and laughed mockingly while Hyunjin just gave an awkward chuckle, but he didn't deny it.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Anyways, enough about her. Why don't you buy me a little something hm?" Ryujin turned to him and batted her eyelashes at him with doe puppy eyes, and Hyunjin just chuckled at her.

"Buy you something? What would you like, darling~?" He asked and she grinned and tugged his hand to the Louis Vuitton store.

They entered and Ryujin looked around in awe and amazement, she began looking around while Hyunjin just chuckled and smirked as he saw her. Ryujin came back to him with 2 purses, a pair of shoes, a bottle of women's perfume and a set of jewelry. Hyunjin raised his brow in surprise at everything she picked up, and she just gave him a pouty sultry look and he immediately caved in and smirked as he went to the counter to pay. Ryujin smiled as she succeeded easily and then followed him, wrapping her arm around his.

"Thank you, baby~. You're such a gentleman." She said sweetly and kissed his cheek, and he smirked and put his arm around her waist as he got out his black credit card from his wallet and gave it to the lady in the counter to pay.

He paid and took the bags and held them for her as she walked beside him. They went to his car and he put the shopping bags at the back and then opened the door for her and she smiled and got in and he then got in his seat and drove off.


Jihye had just arrived at Felix's house, and he opened the door for her and let her in. They walked in the house and in the living room sat Felix's older brother, Chris.

"Hey you little rascals." Chris chuckled and Felix shot him a glare, while Jihye just greeted him back with a smile.

"So only you two huh? What about the other three?" He asked, referring to Jisung, Seungmin and Jeongin.

"I already told you," Felix huffed and Chris chuckled, "they're all busy with their own business. So it's just Hye with me this weekend. Anyways, we'll head to my room now." Felix said and Chris smiled and nodded at them and then they went to Felix's room.

"So, I have something to tell you." Jihye started and Felix raised a brow and nodded at her, "Yeah? Go ahead." He said and waited for her to speak.

"Well, Minho asked me to hang out with him tomorrow at 5pm." She said and Felix suddenly smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Hang out? Just say it's a date." He said and she huffed and nudged him playfully,

"It's not a date, I mean... you know my situation with the whole arranged marriage thing with Hyunjin and all that." She sighed and Felix scoffed and shrugged,

"So? You still have a little less than two months until graduation. Besides, you see him around with Ryujin all the time, they're probably dating. So you can date someone else too." Felix said nonchalantly and Jihye sighed, she knew he had a point.

"I know, I know... but still. You don't even know for sure that they're dating though, they could be just messing around or something. Nothing serious, Ryujin just goes around using guys to her advantage, so I don't think they're really together." She said and Felix rolled his eyes.

"Yeah sure, if that's what you want to believe. Even though we both know that it's not true. You know damn well they're probably going out together, they flirt all the time, and you told me they skipped classes two times with each other. Yeah they're definitely a thing, even if Ryujin isn't serious about relationships." He said and Jihye groaned, knowing that Hyunjin might actually indeed like her.

"I tried warning him about her, but he didn't listen. He snapped at me and now he kinda blows me off anytime I talk to him. Ryujin is just using him because he's rich, and she's taking advantage of his 'love' for her for her own gain." Jihye said and Felix nods in agreement.

"Yeah, well, everyone knows that she's such a bitch so." Felix said bluntly and Jihye sighed and let out a chuckle.

"Anyways, enough about her. Tell me, who were you texting the past couple of days?" Jihye asked and Felix suddenly blushed and scoffed.

"No one. I already told y'all. So just drop it." He dismissed but she pouted and whined,

"Aww come on, how could you hide things from me?! I'm your childhood bestie you dipshit." She argued and he hit her playfully before finally giving in.

"Fine you bitch, I'll tell you. Happy now?" He said and she chuckled and nodded as she waited eagerly for him to spill the beans.

"So, you know how I always like to play games on my phone and all that right...?" He said and she nodded,

"Yeah, you told me you play games like 'Genshin Impact' and 'League of Legends'. What about it though?" She said and he sighed, knowing he has to reveal now.

"I met a girl online, and we play together. And then we linked up together and exchanged numbers and all that." He said and Jihye smirked at that, a girl he said, interesting.

"We have been texting and chatting together ever since and yeah, we have a lot in common, that's why we clicked instantly." He added and Jihye couldn't hold in the giggles that escaped her lips.

"Tell me about this girl, what's she like?" She asked and Felix groaned and blushed lightly in embarrassment.

"She's a blonde and an Aussie like me." Felix said and paused in embarrassment , while Jihye rolled her eyes and hit him with a pillow on his face.

"Give me her name you dumbass." She said and Felix groaned but obliged,

"Her name is Lily."

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-A J H . 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔

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