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It's been two hours now since everyone started working on their projects with their partners. Jihye was the only one doing the work all by herself, since Hyunjin refused to do any work with her. Jihye glanced at Felix and saw him working greatly with his partner, and they were both happily working together, at least he had it better than she did.

Jihye was tired, so far, everything about this project was made by her. The researches, the essays and the presentation plan was all by her and Hyunjin refused to do anything as light as just going through what's written on a piece of paper.

Jihye yawned, she hadn't really gotten much sleep since she had to research about their topic for a long time until she gathered useful information and knowledge about it. She hoped that at least Hyunjin would present or even just organize everything with her, but he wouldn't do anything and he will get away with it. Why? Because he's in control of her because of that stupid deal she made.

She could've stopped following his orders, but because she recently got detention for a second time in the same week, yeah she had no other choice. Another hour had passed and Jihye couldn't focus properly anymore due to tiredness. But fortunately for her though, the bell rang for break time and she sighed in relief, she wanted to do nothing but just sleep in peace.

Hyunjin looked at all the work she made and he patted her head before getting up and left the class, with his fangirls following behind him. Felix waved at his partner before he left and went to Jihye, and he saw her tiredness, since she barely could keep her eyes open as she was packing everything.

"Geez, aren't you a sight for sore eyes, except that the eyes are still sore." Felix joked and then laughed but Jihye didn't bother with him and rolled her eyes before moving back to her desk.

Felix furrowed his brows and went to her again, this time he looked at her with a little bit of concern.

"Sorry for the lame joke but in all seriousness, are you okay?" Felix asked as he sat on his desk next to her and she shook her head.

"No, I had to do all the research about this project and I couldn't get enough sleep last night. And to make matters worse, Hyunjin didn't help me one bit during those three hours and I'm tired out of my mind right now, I can't think straight..." she said before putting her head on her desk, her headache was getting worse and Felix noticed the pain she felt in her head.

He massaged her temples and forehead, before gently caressing her scalp, hoping it would help, and it did help a little as she fully relaxed with his touch.

"Why did he refuse to do anything? He's your partner you shouldn't have let him go away without any punishment, you could've at least told Mr. Jang about it." Felix said and she slightly shook her head.

"That's kinda the problem, I can't refuse anything he says...it's kinda a long story, I mean not really but you get what I mean." She groaned and Felix frowned at her,

"No I don't. Mind explaining?" He said with one brow raised and she sighed and told him everything about it from the beginning.

"Damn, you did that just to hang out with us that one time? You could've told us and we would've gotten out another time or something." Felix sighed and she just smiled before slowly closing her eyes.

Felix just looked at her until she finally slept and he sighed before slowly shaking his head at her.

"You're stupid sometimes, but what can we do..." Felix muttered quietly before gently caressing her head again and she relaxed more in the comfort of his hand.


Meanwhile with Hyunjin, his table was surrounded by his fangirls who were just making small conversations with him. He would smile and just show off and they would shriek at anything he says, even though his ego was high, they seemed to like that about him. It seemed like Jihye and his friend, Changbin, were the only ones who didn't.

Speaking of Changbin, he was sitting in the same table with Hyunjin and he just kept glaring at him since his fangirls were disturbing his peace and he can't eat properly. Changbin had been Hyunjin's friend since elementary school, and they were both very close ever since. Changbin isn't in the same class with him, but Hyunjin always goes to him and they hang out together.

"Mind giving us some space now? I'll eat and I'll talk to y'all later kay?" Hyunjin gave them a wink and they screamed and agreed before they left and Changbin sighed and exhaled like he was holding in his breath for a long time.

"Why'd you get more attention now? It wasn't like this before, is it because of your new car?" Changbin asked and Hyunjin clicked his tongue but slightly nodded.

"I've always gotten attention from them, it's not only because of my car, girls just love me." Hyunjin smirked to himself and Changbin rolled his eyes.

"Uh have you heard of something called 'humbleness'? Or is that non existent just like your brain cells?" Changbin mocked and laughed and Hyunjin rolled his eyes and kicked his friend from under the table.

"Yah shut up." Hyunjin glared at him and Changbin finally stopped laughing and took a few seconds to breathe.

"But for real though, aren't you like getting married or something? Why are you spending time with other girls?" Changbin raised a brow at him and Hyunjin just glared at him again.

"So? I don't love her so why should i be dedicated to only her? Besides, there's still plenty of time before we graduate so I'm not in a rush for that." Hyunjin grinned and Changbin gave him a look before ignoring the topic and then went back to eating.

Hyunjin's eyes unconsciously fell on a table, where there were three boys, but no Jihye and Felix. He didn't think much of it and just shrugged and focused on eating again.

The day had finally ended and everyone was relieved since it was finally the weekend. Most of them had plans on things to do during those two days, but Jihye will just sleep, that was her plan. She took her things and she and Felix walked outside the class together, it was a little obvious that she was tired. They met with their other friends and they talked a little before they all separated and parted ways.

Jihye yawned as she waited near the front gate for Hyunjin so they could go home already since she wanted to sleep so badly. Hyunjin had finally came after blowing air kisses to the girls and they all shrieked in excitement, he really loved the attention, he acted like an idol and he was actually an idol to them. He acted like he was god's gift to women and the fact that the girls actually liked that just blows her mind.

"Took you long enough..." Jihye mumbled tiredly but Hyunjin ignored her and just got out his car keys and switched it on, unlocking his car.

They both went and got in, Jihye sat at the back of course since Hyunjin being the diva that he was refused to let her in the front seat, saying she might get it dirty and mess it up, was he somehow implying that she was trash or something? As if.

She just rolled her eyes at him, already feeling more tired and her headache didn't make it any better. She sat at the back and rested her head near the window as Hyunjin started his engine and then started to drive. Jihye's eyes started fluttering close slowly until she couldn't stay awake any longer and just fell asleep.

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-A J H . 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔

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