Chapter 2: A Hero Is Born Pt 2

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"Dad... MK and Uncle Tang are squishing me!! We need a bigger truck," Y/n complained as she tried to have some room.

Pigsy was driving really fast since it was an emergency which worried his daughter and Tang.

"Pigsy, watch where you're going!! You're going to kill us," Tang stated as the others tried to move around.

Soon MK brought out his book and said, "Yeah, we've got to get to Flower Fruit Mountain without getting smushed in a car crash."

"Already smushed MK!! It's called Dad doesn't have a bigger truck," Y/n sarcastically explained as she got her brother's foot off her.

Ignoring his little sister's words, MK continued, "All we need to do is to drive through an entire ocean, simple."

Just then, Mei's phone ping which got everyone's attention as she said, "Guys, Demon Bull King moved onto downtown. He's destroying the Cheese Tea stalls!!"

"All the more reason to get this staff to Monkey King. Flower Fruit Mountain, it's the only place he could be. Right Mr. Tang," MK asked, as everyone who was not driving looked at Tang.

Pushing his glasses up, Tang responded, "Indeed... however Flower Fruit Mountain is hidden away deep and dangerous and unknown territory. So I guess we better turn back!!"

"What," MK and Mei replied in shock.

"Uncle Tang!! Monkey King's staff is real so why did you say that," Y/n commented with a stern look.

In an annoyed manner, Pigsy pushed Tang and said, "Yeah shut it, you big baby. I know a guy that can take us there. The most dangerous, deadly, rage-filled warrior I've ever known..."

Suddenly Pigsy hit the brakes causing the others to fall forward and the truck spinning to a halt outside a ship.

"Sandy," Pigsy finished, which got Y/n a bit scared.

Y/n hadn't seen her uncle Sandy in two years ever since they had an argument. So now Y/n was a bit scared of what was about to happen.


They were now sitting on a couch in a living room as the room was engulfed in a red light. MK had to hold his sister down by the shoulder so she didn't run off, even MK was scared. Not only the siblings, but Mei and Tang were also scared.

Soon a large guy threw a knife right beside the kitchen sink before approaching the group.

"That's a lot to take in... do you know what I do to people who disrupt the peace...," the large man commented, making the atmosphere tense.

Suddenly the atmosphere shifted as normal lighting came and the large guy had a tea set as he said, "Serve them tea."

Soon the large man was asking if anyone wanted some tea, confusing Pigsy. There were even cats everywhere you looked. Y/n felt a bit nervous as she asked for some tea even Tang wanted some tea as well.

The large man had unusual blue skin, white yoga pants, white sneakers, a large orange beard with a mohawk and large prayer beads on.

"Certain noodle shop owners could learn a lot from your hospitality, Sandy," Tang said as he referred to Pigsy.

Mei then chimed in, "Oh, you're right Piggy. This guy is dangerous..."

Following this Mei placed a cat on Pigsy's head as she continued, "He'll kill us with cuteness."

Following this Y/n received a cup of tea from Sandy and took a sip. Y/n's eyes widened in pure delight by the drink she had.

"Wow, not only does this smell good, this tea tastes amazing," Y/n explained as she felt calmer.

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