Chapter 15: Revenge of The Spider Queen Pt 1

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 A gentle glow of the new day's light appeared on the new horizon. Soft humming was being hummed as someone was up early making her traditional fa gao. Even a noisy older brother was sneaking around trying to get a tasty treat. When MK tried to steal one from the counter, Y/n's monkey tail popped out, grabbed a wooden spoon and smacked MK's hand. MK instantly yelped out in pain since he didn't expect that.

"How many times do I have to say it MK?! No greedy demons in the kitchen while I'm cooking. Besides, you know the rules: you can have some later tonight," Y/n stated as she was whipping up another batch of fa gao.

Soon, Pigsy came down the stairs and caught a whiff of Y/n's special fa gao.

When Y/n saw her dad, she said, "Oh, morning dad. I'm just making some more to sell alongside the noodles tonight. Which reminds me, can you and Uncle Tang be my taste testers for some new flavors I whipped up please."

Tang, who was enjoying noodles as usual nearby, then asked, "What kind of flavors?"

That was where Y/n brought out a plate that had some fa gao on it, all in different colors and aromas. Y/n was a bit nervous because there were two flavors she made for the fa gao among some others. The first flavor had peaches in it with a light drizzle of honey and a peach slice. While in the other fa gao had plum in it with a light drizzle of vanilla glaze and a mint leaf on top. Y/n let out a sigh as Pigsy and Tang reached out to grab a fa gao each. But out of nowhere, MK grabbed a peach fa gao and popped it into his mouth. Everyone went dead silent as MK chewed on the fa gao. Once MK swallowed, Y/n was even holding her own breath due to waiting for the outcome. At an instant MK went all starry eyed since the treat Y/n made was delicious. Somehow Y/n was relieved that the treat she made was good to eat.

"That's my girl, bring a smile to your customers," Pigsy said when Y/n looked at her father.

Y/n softly smiled as she said, "Thanks dad!! I learned from the best chef here. Speaking of Uncle Tang, how's the plum flavor fa gao?"

Tang had a questionable look since he didn't expect the plum to be balanced out by the mint and the vanilla.

"It has a very unique taste indeed," Tang replied as he tried to get another one of the same flavor.

Quickly Y/n yoinked the plate away since Tang was trying to get more free food from this.

"Oh that reminds me, sis. How's your arm," MK asked, making Y/n look at him.

Y/n then showed her arm that had the cast on her arm to show that it was no longer there.

"It feels great!! To be honest, it feels a lot stronger than before," Y/n replied as she took out her staff with her hand that had the newly healed arm.

Soon the moment was interrupted when Pigsy said, "Alright, we have no extra time to screw around!! The Lunar New Year's festival is today and you know what that means. I need soldiers to help me serve noodles to customers in the truck. So we better get moving so we can find a good spot to serve the customers noodles."

Y/n nodded and responded, "Got it, dad!! Already did the check of the equipment in the truck before I started cooking. We just need to load the ingredients onto the truck then we are off."

Pigsy smiled at this before he grabbed Tang by the back of his collar of his top and dragged Tang towards the pantry. Y/n lightly giggled at this as she went and began to pack up the sweets she made.

"Hey sis, I'm going to train with Monkey King today. Want to come with me to go see him," MK asked which got Y/n's attention.

"Sorry MK, I got to help dad out today. You know we do this every single year and you know how important it is to dad. But now you mention that you are going to see Wukong. Can you deliver some fa gao to him please? I want to get this to him as a new year's gift," Y/n explained before holding out a small box of fa gao towards MK.

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