Chapter 14: The End Is Here!?

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Y/n's mind was flashing through her memories. The memories of the closeness and warmth with Macaque or Wukong. Somehow Y/n was developing a crush for both monkey men without her realizing.

"STAY FOCUSED," a male voice called out before Y/n was hit in the stomach.

This brought Y/n to a kneel as Y/n regained her senses of where she was, which was in the Zodiac Shrine. Yuan, who was the rooster zodiac, was teaching Y/n about targeting weak points. Turns out hitting Y/n in the stomach was counted as a weak point. Anyways Y/n shook her head as the sheep, Ying appeared with her hood from her knitted dress trying to cover her sheep horns.

"Be careful Yuan, Howl will get upset with you if something happens to her," Ying shyly explained to the rooster zodiac.

Yuan just brushed it off, while Y/n rolled her eyes. Suddenly the horse came into the training area looking really mad in his human form.

Soon the horse zodiac exclaimed, "WHERE IS SHE!? WHERE IS MIN?! SHE STOLE SOMETHING FROM ME AGAIN!!"

That was when something tried to scurry away,but was quickly stopped by Y/n, who stepped on it's tail. At an instant, the rat, whose name was Min, stopped since her tail was under Y/n's foot.

Y/n then looked at Min and said, "You know it's not cool to steal things from others, you know."

 That was when Min got loose and headed to a hole in the wall. The others in the room chased after Min as she went into the hole. At an instant, Y/n used her staff and swung it at the wall. Causing the wall to break open, revealing the stolen items. The other zodiacs except Y/n were upset since Min had been hiding their stuff in the hiding hole she made. While the other zodiacs were arguing with Min, Y/n spotted something among the stolen items. Carefully without the others knowing, Y/n took the item and ran out of the training room. Once in the main area, Y/n looked at the object to find it was a small long case that looked like a fancy pen case. When Y/n opened the case, she was surprised to find a hair stick decorated with lotus, peach blossoms and small hanging jewels.

'It's... beautiful,' Y/n thought as she examined the hair piece.

Soon a male voice asked, "Where did you get that, Y/n?!"

Quickly Y/n looked back to find Howl looking angrily at her. Y/n was caught red handed for just looking at something.

"Umm... Oh, Min had this and I was curious. I didn't mean to take this from her stuff," Y/n explained herself on why she had the hair stick.

Softly Howl's expression changed to a calm one before explaining, "Well..., I thought we lost that and I thought-. Let me explain. That hair stick once belonged to Xia Meilian, a gift from her lovers. She treasured it dearly and it meant a lot to me as well. I thought I lost it until finding out the rat took it!!"

Y/n was surprised to hear this, but then felt sad. Wukong was Xia's true love, in Y/n's heart it began to break since the thought of those two together. Suddenly to Y/n's shock, Howl approached Y/n and took the hair stick out of the case. Howl then took Y/n's braided hair and made it into a neat bun with the hair stick holding it in place.

When Y/n looked at Howl, he said, "What about you hold onto this for me, alright?"

"But isn't this Xia's? I can't have this if it means a lot to you after she passed," Y/n exclaimed as she was confused by what Howl did.

As Howl was about to explain, suddenly there was a massive explosion. The sound of the explosion didn't come from inside the shrine, but sounded like it was coming from outside. Quickly Y/n used her portals and headed to a high roof top outside the shrine. To Y/n's horror there were bull clones everywhere and they appeared zombie-like. That was when Y/n remembered that her family and friend were in the restaurant. Without wasting a second, Y/n used her teleporting powers to race quickly towards home.

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