Chapter 8: The Zodiac Guardian and The Heart

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Y/n tossed and turned in her sleep as flashes of different events played in her mind. In one event there was a silhouette of a monkey, but it had eyes and a mouth.

"You won't get away from me this time... Lotus," a male voice said before snarkily laughing.

This made Y/n jolt up in bed with a cold sweat. It was morning as Y/n looked around her room. Ever since meeting Mac and Wukong, Y/n had these strange dreams like she was once there. Slowly a sigh slipped out from her lips as Y/n went and stretched. The events that have happened the day before confused Y/n as she got out of bed. Unexpectedly the teen Y/n saw yesterday came into Y/n's room with a tray of food for Y/n. Y/n was in shock since she didn't know who this unknown teen was.

With a gentle bow, the young woman said, "Please eat your fill before we go meet the others."

"Ok... I have two things to say. One, who are you and what are you doing in my home? And number two who are the others," Y/n asked as her throat was still a bit sore.

The young woman was taken aback as she replied, "I do apologize for me not introducing myself correctly. I am your pet snake and a friend, Jade."

Y/n didn't feel convinced until realizing the marking on the girl's head was the same as her pet snake's marking.

"Wait... Jade?! How... what happened to you," Y/n asked in complete confusion.

The teen, who was Jade, softly giggled as she covered her mouth with her sleeve.

With a smile, Jade then said, "Please make sure to enjoy your breakfast before we head out."

Jade soon enough got up and went out the window and onto the fire escape. Y/n was still a bit confused before brushing it off and started to get ready for the day.


"So... who are these others you've been talking about," Y/n asked as Jade and hearself were walking down the streets of the city.

Jade stopped making Y/n stop as well. Jade thought about it for a moment until her expression changed into a confused look.

"Sorry about that... I don't know where I'm actually going. You see, I am the reincarnation of one of Xia Meilian's advisors, the snake. And the last thing I was told before I woke up is to find a tiger named Howl," Jade explained, making Y/n groan.

Megapolis was a huge city. How were the girls going to find this Howl guy? Suddenly Jade saw something, making her angry. This caused Jade to go after whatever she was seeing, causing Y/n to chase after Jade. After some time, Y/n ended up in the middle of the city square without Jade. Y/n looked around in a panic since she didn't know what to do. In her sadness, Y/n went and sat on a ledge of a fountain with a statue of a tiger. Y/n lean back in tiredness as she tried to figure out where to find Jade now. That was when Y/n noticed some type of seal on the platform that held the tiger. Somehow Y/n was the only one who could see the seal as other citizens admired the statue.

"Hmmm... I wonder? If I just remove this...," Y/n said as she reached out and pulled off the seal.

The seal became ash before long, the stone on the statue began to break. Suddenly a real tiger broke out of it's stone prison and let out a mighty roar. This however caused some people to run for their lives since they thought someone let a zoo tiger loose. Without warning the tiger fainted on the ground before transforming into a man with black hair that had two orange stripes on it. The man had a short beard, a red long sleeve shirt and common jeans and sneakers on. Even the man had a large scar over his nose. Anyways Y/n was confused at first before becoming panicked as she rushed over to the man.

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