Chapter 3: A Hero Is Born Pt 3

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Y/n kept looking at her wrist where Monkey King had bit her. Soon the city came into view and it looked trashed up. This brought fear into Y/n's heart since she was worried if the others were here. Suddenly Y/n's eyes began to act up before becoming pure white. Y/n looked to find the others fighting against a red haired demon. When Mei summoned a green dragon, the jet busted through it while the siblings began to scream in fear since someone didn't know how to land a jet.

"MK... Y/n," Mei exclaimed as everyone in the team was surprised to see them alive.

The jet began to tumble and crashed right into the red haired demon multiple times. Suddenly there was an explosion after the jet crashed turning into a pile of junk metal. The gang approached, worried for MK and Y/n's safety. Soon both MK and Y/n emerge from the wreck unharmed. Quickly Mei ran up to the siblings and hugged them both in pure joy. Y/n then quickly got out of Mei's hold and ran over to Pigsy and Sandy and hugged them. While Mei was going on and on about the thought of losing MK, Piggy was fully breaking down into tears. Tang on the other hand was poking the red haired demon with a stick.

"Dad... it's fine, I'm ok!! I don't know how I ended up on Flower Fruit Mountain, but I'm glad I'm still alive," Y/n explained, shocking Pigsy.

Pigsy remembered the form his daughter took. But it was more like a beast took over Y/n's body when she was angry. So Pigsy kept silent to not cause his daughter to be frightened. Soon they approached MK and Mei with concern about what will happen next.

"So where is he," Pigsy asked, making Y/n and MK nervous.

MK then replied, "He said, it's up to me, to us."

"Well, that's anticlimactic," Mei replied in a sarcastic way.

Suddenly the whole team felt the Earth shake, making them panic. Then they saw it, the Demon Bull King towering over the tallest buildings in the city.

"And how are we meant to fight that," Tang asked with panic in his tone.

MK at that moment looked at his sister before looking at his opened hand. MK closed his hand as he felt determination.

With that MK announced, "We believe in ourselves!! You'll clean the streets... I'll stop the Demon Bull King!!"

MK jumped down from the heap of metal, while you felt scared for her brother.

"Somehow," MK continued, unsure how to defeat DBK.

Soon Mei said, "Yeah this jet probably would have been really useful!!"

Following this Mei kicked the pile of junk which caused a motorcycle still intact to roll out of the junk pile.

"That will work," MK exclaimed with starry eyes.

"Go get him, buddy," Mei encouraged, making MK nod.

When MK went and got on the motorcycle, Y/n joined her brother on the bike as well.

As MK was about to say something, Y/n responded, "I'm not losing you again, MK!! You're my big brother which means we are both in this together no matter what happens. This is my home as well and I want to help protect it. Please MK... I want to help."

MK smiled as he said, "Alright... hang on tight, sis!! Things are about to get rough!!"

Within seconds the siblings were off as a hawk with ginger feathers and red/blue markings landed on a nearby building to watch the battle.

As the duo was speeding through the city, Y/n asked, "MK, do you even have a plan to defeat mega DBK?!"

"Ummm... No not really yet, but we will defeat him," MK explained, making his own sister facepalm herself.

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