Chapter 4: Bad Weather

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The next day was a new day, as Y/n was helping her dad out at the restaurant. Y/n was working on cleaning the counter seating area outside, minding her own business. When Y/n accidently knocked over a hot sauce bottle, she bent down to retrieve it from under the table. After she grabbed it, there was a sudden knocking on the table top. This confused our heroine as she got out from underneath the table. When Y/n looked she was taken aback when she saw the mysterious guy sitting at one of the seats of the counter.

"Oh... it's you," Y/n said in a sarcastic tone.

The guy smirked at this as he said, "Oh what's the matter, doll? Not happy to see me again?"

Y/n couldn't say what the problem was since Wukong told her to ignore the guy. The guy noticed Y/n's expression and he could tell something was up. Soon the guy noticed Y/n's right wrist was bandaged the same wrist Wukong had bit. To get a reaction out of her as she was cleaning, the guy went and touched the bandage. This made Y/n drop the rag she was using and she pulled her wrist close to her chest since it was in a bit of pain.

"Please don't touch me," Y/n said with anger in her tone.

Ignoring her words, the guy got up and placed a finger under her chin. The guy then brought his face close to Y/n's face, making her heart race. He could smell Wukong's scent on her and it was getting under the guy's skin. After a few seconds, Y/n pulled away with concern in her heart.

Soon Y/n said, "Look you are touching me and I don't like it!! I don't even know your name?!"

The guy laughed which made Y/n unsettled. She had heard that laugh before, but somehow couldn't remember where.

"That's cute, but you are right. A beautiful Lotus like yourself should know a guy's name before being more comfortable. You can call me Mac!! I do have a full name, but I want you to wait a bit longer for it."

Y/n sighed as she responded, "Alright then... Mac. Why approached a middle class girl who works in her dad's restaurant. You look like a model who lives in the upper class."

"I'm flattered that your eyes didn't notice my true form. But your powers are still adjusting to this cute fragile human body of yours so I can't blame you," Mac replied confusing Y/n.

Suddenly Y/n said, "Wait... you're a demon or a different type of being aren't you?! That is why you said 'true form' right?"

Mac instantly replied, "You were always a smart one."

With that, Mac slipped his hand behind Y/n's neck and pulled her close to him again. Y/n was shocked for words as Mac leaned in so close that his lips were brushing the shell of her ear.

"Let's see which one of us can win your heart," Mac whispered before leaving a small peak on her ear lobe.

Y/n was left with a huge blush on her face and was left utterly speechless. Slowly Mac pulled away before taking his leave. Y/n was so lost in thought that she didn't hear her own dad calling out to her. When Pigsy didn't hear anything, he went out to find Y/n standing there with a blush.

"Y/n," Pigsy said, making Y/n snap back into reality.

Y/n looked at Pigsy as he continued, "You ok? You seem a bit red in the cheeks? Are you coming down with a cold again?"

Y/n was a bit embarrassed before replying, "No dad..., I'm fine, besides I hadn't had a cold since I was twelve. Anyway... do you need something?"

"Yes, do you know where your brother is? He's slacking off again," Pigsy said with anger in his tone,

"The last time I heard from him, he was going to Uncle Sandy's place with Uncle Tang and Mei," Y/n stated before her dad had to close down the shop and drag her with him.

Shooting Stars At Dusk And Dawn (Macaque x Wukong x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now