Chapter 19: Sleep Bug

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Wukong was throwing stuff into a suitcase as the siblings were watching. As Mk was wondering about why Wukong was going on vacation, both Y/n's and MK's phones went off. The sibling pair pulled out their phones to find a weird app being advertised on their phones. As Y/n was about to press the button, her phone died since she forgot to plug it in after reading on it. Y/n shrugged while MK just threw his phone across the cave.

While MK pouted, Wukong said as he gathered up some more stuff, "Ah come on, bud!! I promised myself that after I found myself a successor. I'd go see some friends, take a tour of my old stomping grounds, just cut loose ya know!! Oh, gotta need these."

Y/n instantly held back her laughter as Wukong was now wearing sunglasses.

At an instant MK responded. "But- but, you can't leave!! What if someone attacks the city?! What if the Spider Queen comes back!!"

"MK!! Quite being a drama queen!! Wukong gave you his powers when you lift his staff meaning you got this. So we will figure this out!! Also we defeated the Spider Queen meaning she's not coming up anytime soon," Y/n replied as Wukong put more stuff in the suitcase.

"Your sister's right, bud. You'll figure it out, it's adorable how nervous you are. But don't be, you've come a long way and the next of your journey... you must do it alone," Wukong stated, getting more nervous.

 Y/n rolled her eyes as she then noticed Jade near MK's phone with her tail rattling.

'Strange... Jade only rattles her tail if something is wrong or she isn't happy about something. Something on MK's phone is making her angry,' Y/n thought as she watched Jade closely.

That was when Wukong took off, making Y/n quickly get up and tried to go after him. Sadly Y/n stopped and looked at the hole Wukong went out of.

"Come on sis. Let's go home, the others must be waiting," MK said while being a bit grumpy.

Y/n held her head down before she looked at her brother and said, "Yeah... but can you go on ahead, MK. There's... something I need to do here."

MK nodded and did his sister's wishes. Once alone, Y/n looked at Wukong's hut with sadness in her eyes. Remembering Wukong's worried look made her worry since he was worried about something. Following this, some of the monkeys came out of hiding and sat by Y/n's feet.

Without even looking, Y/n said, "You guys are worried about your king as well. I don't blame you, you guys are the only family he has. Xia was like Wukong's family as well... I wish I knew how she felt around Wukong."

After Y/n said that, the monkeys lightly tugged on her pants, making Y/n look at them. The monkeys then headed to part of the cave wall and moved some forage aside, revealing a handprint. Y/n was stunned for words, the monkeys knew this was here.

"Do you guys want me to put my hand on it," Y/n asked, making the monkeys nod.

Y/n studied the handprint to find it wasn't human so her human hand wouldn't do. Y/n then sighed as she made her hand a monkey's hand and placed it against the wall. Suddenly Y/n's eyes glowed silver and her surroundings had a silver haze. Y/n looked without removing her hand to find memories of the past. Wukong and Xia were there training and spending time with one another, even Macaque was there. At one point, Y/n saw Xia put her hand on her stomach as the two male demon monkeys rushed to her and hugged her. This left Y/n confused as her surroundings returned to normal.

"Ok... what was that," Y/n exclaimed as she looked at the monkeys.

The monkeys then ran off, leaving Y/n by herself. Y/n then let out a sigh before she headed off with her brother.

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