Chapter 11: Impossible Delivery

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As a storm raged on through the night, Princess Iron Fan was tossing and turning in her sleep. Suddenly PIF woke up with a start from her slumber. The reason why PIF woke up with a start was a nightmare of Y/n's rage form. The form Y/n took on was more dangerous than Xia Meilian's form. The form PIF remembered, Xia had complete control over it. But this same form Y/n took on was more violent and treated anyone like a threat. PIF was worried that something in the past caused this version of Xia's rage form to become more violent. PIF then looked over at her husband who was still asleep. PIF knew deep within her heart that Xia was up to something, but no one knew. The only thing PIF could do in secret was to figure out what happened to Xia or the form Xia had reincarnated into.


The sounds of explosions could be heard throughout Flower Fruit Mountain in the light of a new day. Soon Wukong landed on a rocky peak with ease while the siblings landed on another peak. The siblings were standing in fight stances, breathing really hard. Wukong gave them a glare along with a chuckle as Wukong beckoned them to come at him. MK swung the staff around before charging at Wukong first with a battle scream, while Wukong yawned at this. As MK was about to hit Wukong, Wukong got out of the way and up into the air. However Y/n had jumped up into the air as well to hit Wukong with her staff. And like the cheeky monkey he was, Wukong dodged Y/n. Wukong then charged at MK from the sky. While MK managed to block the attack with the staff. Wukong was impressed by how hard his student's training paid off. Suddenly Y/n came flying towards Wukong and tried to hit him. But Wukong managed to hit Y/n away just by his own arm. Y/n nearly crashed onto the ground if it wasn't for sticking her staff into the ground.

"HEY!!! NO FAIR MONKEY MAN," Y/n yelled out as she removed her staff with her good hand.

Even though Y/n's other arm was still in the cast, she was at least trying her best to train. Soon Wukong pushed off the staff MK was holding. Nearly causing MK to fall off the edge if it wasn't for his little sister extending her staff. Quickly both brother and sister rushed at Wukong and tried to land a hit on the king. Wukong was dodging or blocking left to right as he was either drinking tea or reading a book or just jumping around. Since Wukong has been alive for so long, he knew what moves his opponent was going to use next. Suddenly Wukong grabbed Y/n by her leg with his tail and threw her up. Followed by Wukong wrapping his tail around MK's leg and jumping up. Wukong flung MK down all the way to the ground of the cave his hut was in. MK came crashing down with a huge explosion.

Quickly Wukong got down to the ground and said before freeing MK, "Better!! Way, way better!! You're totally getting the hang of this bud!!"

"Oh really," MK replied with happiness in his tone.

Wukong then said while bragging, "I mean it does make sense you are getting trained by me. Now we just gotta work on your focus."

"Yeah... I am the best at fo- WHAT DO YOU MEAN WORK ON MY FOCUS?! I'M LIKE NUMBER ONE FOCUS GUY," MK exclaimed as he was trying to make his point.

Suddenly both guys heard someone screaming and Wukong had to step back. Wukong then held out his arms as Y/n, who was the one falling, was caught in Wukong's arms. Y/n was shocked for words since Wukong just threw her like her life wasn't worth it!!

Soon Wukong placed Y/n down as he said, "Ahh!!! If anyone is the number one focus guy it is me."

"WHAT," MK exclaimed as Y/n moved away.

Soon MK explained as he pulled out his book, "Literally your entire life legacy is about you being impulsive..."

After MK pulled the cutout of Wukong down and found Wukong eating peach chips, MK continued, "And dodging responsibilities!!"

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